Sigh.......Life sucks...... have to move all my animals ...AGAIN

Crossing fingers for ya!!!
Maybe this would be a good time for you to start considering downsizing on the number of animals you keep. You know, the seasons of life. You know, for everything there is a season. Maybe you should look at this as an opportunity rather than a problem. Look at the money you would save and the less work that would be involved if you would get rid of some of your stock.
Believe me, I have cut back a lot.......... I have always wanted more property but first hubby became sick, then the market went down. So i am taking this as a kick in the butt to finally do it. I have no children, no real financial debit except the house, regular bills and life's bumps....... My animals are my enjoyment and my peace of mind for many reasons, and I have to spend money on something before I die and it won't be on a fancy coffin.
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I haven't been following your post much, so sorry you need to move it all again. I'm still offer to take all the livestock untill you get settled in new place.
I have a 10 acre fenced pasture with nothing on it (no shelter) 2nd pasture has 1 horse 2 goats.
Have you sold the house your in?

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