Sight Sexing Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks at Hatch

Sorry first pic a cockerel and this pic a pullet? 5 days old. Help! Thanks!

Both photos are very dark it's hard to tell. A pic of the head spot would help. From this angle I would guess pullet for both.
This is bird number one who I think is a cockerel

Sorry just saw the rest of your photos. This looks like a pullet to me. The wing tip feathers arent usually a very good indication. But the bars on the rest of the feather as it comes in. The other one is definatly a pullet too :)
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Same question here! Got 3 barred rocks from a feed store supposed to all be pullets but one is already much bigger and fiestier. He(?) has a big white/cream spot on his noggin, light "eyebrows" and a white wing tip already. Any thoughts? These are my first birds

Very hard to tell at this stage. If all barring has the same amount as what is there now it will be a boy. If the spot on its head looks like it might be more than 1 spot then it is likely a boy.
Thank you for responding! You still think this is a pullet even though the feet are so light compared to the other?

Sorry just saw the rest of your photos. This looks like a pullet to me. The wing tip feathers arent usually a very good indication. But the bars on the rest of the feather as it comes in. The other one is definatly a pullet too :)
This is the foot. Thanks again!

could you get a picture of its head spot for me? There is some variation in the individual. I had 2 girls at the same time I was sure 1 was a roo. She was lighter barring, light legs and her comb grew bigger than the other one by 4 weeks. They both started laying just before 20 weeks. The lighter one was 2 days earlier than the dark one. :)

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