Sight Sexing Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks at Hatch



Can anyone tell the gender of these two bantam chicks? (I'm just guessing they are barred rocks - I don't really know).

The legs on both of them look the same. They are 4 weeks old, and the littler one almost died at a few days old but through some miracle pulled through.
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Thank you Laodicia! I have taken new pictures today, I figured out one them is not B Rock (it has feathery legs lol!) I didn't include a picture of that one




Female female and likely a rooster. Though the legs are kind of dark for a boy.

The one with feathered legs is likely a langshan what I've found with those ones is once they are almost done feathering if there is still a yellow stripe down its chest/belly it's a girl. (This won't work for chicks with out chest feathers though :) )
This barred rock, Zeus, is 4 weeks old. From the info that you posted im assuming it's a Roo, correct me if I'm wrong... I'm very new to this
Thanks in advance!
Female female and likely a rooster. Though the legs are kind of dark for a boy.

The one with feathered legs is likely a langshan what I've found with those ones is once they are almost done feathering if there is still a yellow stripe down its chest/belly it's a girl. (This won't work for chicks with out chest feathers though :) )
Do you think that the more important factor is the leg color? None of them have well defined head spots so I was worried they were all Roos!!! I was told by the lady that I got the eggs from that the ones with feathered legs are Cochin crosses.
Do you think that the more important factor is the leg color? None of them have well defined head spots so I was worried they were all Roos!!! I was told by the lady that I got the eggs from that the ones with feathered legs are Cochin crosses.

I see I've only had 2 cochins so I'm not sure on how to check gender on those.

What I'm looking for in the head spots is if the spot looks like it's one spot or 2. No matter how bright or dark big or small the spot is. I haven't seen a rooster with completely black legs like your first 2. though they do sometimes have black patches.

Hi, I'm new to this site and was wondering if anyone could confirm this is indeed a Roo? We took a gamble at the poultry supplier and after reading BR Plymouth threads I'm pretty sure I'm right. If it is a Roo we won't be able to keep him

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