Sight Sexing Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks at Hatch

The headspot is faded & not tight around the edges, so it could be a male. You'll know for sure in a few weeks.

That is my fear. We are not allowed to have roos. This chick is for sure the most dominant of them. Maybe I should just get another chick now, to be sure I end up with 4 hens. And the chicken math begins! ;)
more chickens is always preferrable lol. To me it looks like a hen, but its really hard to tell, i am only guessing because of the dark wings. Does its comb look sligtly larger than the other 3? I found barred rocks to be very bossy with other birds and even the hens. So doing a rooster dance doesnt always mean a boy with them. The top of the pecking order hen will in my experiance take over rooster duties if there is no boy. That isnt a rule with barred rocks im sure just my experience. If it is a boy you should be able to tell by 3 weeks with no doubt. Its comb and wattles will be getting bigger and pink.
That is my fear. We are not allowed to have roos. This chick is for sure the most dominant of them. Maybe I should just get another chick now, to be sure I end up with 4 hens. And the chicken math begins! ;)
Hoping that this is a pullet (darker than examples of cockerels shown) but the pink wattle at this early age is scaring me.

Anyone have a guess?

Edit: crap that picture doesn't look dark at all. 7 weeks old.

more chickens is always preferrable lol. To me it looks like a hen, but its really hard to tell, i am only guessing because of the dark wings. Does its comb look sligtly larger than the other 3? I found barred rocks to be very bossy with other birds and even the hens. So doing a rooster dance doesnt always mean a boy with them. The top of the pecking order hen will in my experiance take over rooster duties if there is no boy. That isnt a rule with barred rocks im sure just my experience. If it is a boy you should be able to tell by 3 weeks with no doubt. Its comb and wattles will be getting bigger and pink.

I hope posting an updated picture at now 4 weeks old works. I believe you were right on Henrietta just being her bossy self and not a roo ;). Yeay!
That is a pullet, no question. My first ever BR pullet was cockerel-colored. Everyone on BYC said so for weeks and weeks, that I got a sexing mistake. And Lexie was almost as light as the sons she produced over the years, though that is really the exception. So BR sexing is an art more than a science.

And, if it's not a pure BR, the sexing rules are right out the window-they just do not work.

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