Signups Closed- Easter/April Gift Swap

Well it's getting close to getting our partners name...
i am so excited -- shop shop shop...
Only 7 days left! Well i don't know about you guys but I can tell its getting warmer out. This thread has been rather quiet compared to the past 2 months! My 3 year old was bound and determined to dye eggs last weekend and I promised her we would. My mom bought her a Dora the Explorer kit and she was so anxious and besides I still have 3 boxes of dye left from previous years post holiday sale. Since I never got time to actually boil the eggs and let them cool, we colored uncooked eggs. happy ending, none of the eggs got boken she got them all out and on the drying rack without any accidents! Then I boiled them and all the color came off!

Now you can color them again!

I've been saving my bantam and the 1 white egg a day that I get for coloring. They are so small, I feel bad charging anyone fror them to eat! Besides, when people around here think of frsh farm eggs, they think brown anyway.
I do that. I only sell the Green and Brown and keep all the Silkie and Polish eggs for us since they are small.
AND today our 1st chicks of the year hatched! WooHoo! so far 5 Silkies and 2 RIR. About 30 more to go over the next week!
Getting close to Easter. Just one week from today. Did I miss something? I see the entries close on March 31 but that doesn't give many days to ship if it's Easter related. Not complaining, just wondering.
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