Signups Closed- Easter/April Gift Swap

Home made vanilla!! MMmmmm. and interesting too! I'm going to have to try that!

Hey, it's made from Vodka and dark rum .... oooooohhh

Now I am definatley going to have to try it. Would someone please send me the recipe or link me to where I can find it. PLEASE!
Well I'm getting ready to leave my high speed internet to go to the Amish auction which is a 2 hour drive and has no cell phone signal. I am playing the chick pimp today. I bought 50 pullets, barred rock and isa browns, 3 days ago for 25 cents each at rural king and am going to go try to quadruple my investment.

If you have not sent out your gift and will not be able to get it out today, please let me know. I will nto be available very much today and tomorrow (my daughters 3rd birthday party) but will check in when I can.

Thank you all for being such good gifters and have a great weekend enjoying this nice spring weather.
I should probably say I may not get mine out today either..

However.. if I don't make it to the PO before close today, I WILL be in town all day tomorrow .. so it'll go out by first thing in the morning..

I'm so sorry... work has been a booger this week..

But, it'll be worth it .. promise!
There are different recipes but heres the one I used.

2 cups cheap vodka
1 TBSP dark rum for sweetness, you may leave this out if you choose
about 8 vanilla beans, left whole but sliced open

I ordered mine online

put in a mason jar and shake a couple times a week and in about 12 weeks I think you have vanilla
Looks like a little purse - my 10 yr old DD claimed the bunny and my 7 yr old DD claimed the "purse" They are in heaven but, I LOVE Jelly beans and I am snacking on some right at this moment. Great computer candy, not too messy and fat free!
I recieved mine Friday from Twochicks. Thankyou very much, I loved everything. We have already planted the seeds to grow our Wonder Egg plant, and the cookie is already gone
. I will post a picture as soon as I can. Having some computer

Finally got the picture to load

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Glad you liked it!!!!

I got my DD one of those purse/basket things also....... and a bunny.....
I know my DD loves them. I'm a fan of the jelly beans myself, so I have not eaten one! But, the cadbury creme eggs have tickled my fancy this year. I'm so happy that ya'll like it!
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I got my DD one of those purse/basket things also....... and a bunny.....
I know my DD loves them. I'm a fan of the jelly beans myself, so I have not eaten one! But, the cadbury creme eggs have tickled my fancy this year. I'm so happy that ya'll like it!


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