Signups Closed- Easter/April Gift Swap

Yay! It got there ok. The post office wouldn't accept a box with stamps (huh???) so I had to send it ups. Hope it wasn't a problem.

I bought an egg plant too, and it took about 10 days for the seedlings to sprout, but they did. I can't wait to see what it looks like all grown up. What a weird plant. Lol.

I looked up the plant online and it said it's an ornamental plant related to the (edible) eggplants. I was wondering if I could give the ornamental egg fruits to my chickens when they are ripe. Has anyone else done this?
Thanks, guys .. I'm still pretty stunned. Very sad .. my Shiner hasn't crowed since .. he looks soooo dejected. I put him in with the "babies" last nite and told him to "be a flock" ..

I am anxiously awaiting hearing him crow again .. I don't think he's hurt, I couldn't find any puncture wounds or anything, he's pretty roughed up though.. I guess time will tell.

I do have a vase now filled with pretty feathers ..
Not exactly how I would have liked to acquire them..

So, I have one splash marans, and 7 EEs - all 2 months old .. and Shiner, my Salmon Fav Roo...

I guess it could have been worse.
Good news .. Shiner seems to enjoy his new popularity with his younger ladies (and guys) ..

Several times today, I looked up and saw him surrounded by the little guys .. and he was head-high and proudly looking around as if guarding ...

I'm soooo hoping he'll wake me up with a crow tomorrow...

I've also been offered some hatching eggs from a BYC member .. and have decided to take her up on them.

Details later..

*sigh* .. I hate starting over, but hatching is ALWAYS exciting!!

I didn't want to spoil the surprise, but I'm getting a little nervous. Countrypantry have you recieved your gift box yet?

Also, an ideas on a May gift swap? Mother's day swap or maybe May flowers swap? I love these swaps.
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Ohh I can't wait to get mine.... And I'm hoping the certain someone that I have received their package yesterday. Hope you love it!
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