Silkie ‘pullet’ crowed

I once had a pullet who crowed, a Pekin bantam. She looked 100% female but did not start laying eggs, then when she was around 8-9 months old, she started crowing occasionally. It was only 2 or 3 little crows in the morning and went on for several weeks.

When she was almost one year old, the crowing had stopped and she started laying. After that she never crowed again.
It must have been a hormone or reproductive problem. I had a rooster with the hens so it wasn't about assuming a dominant role.
I have to say I have never had a pullet crow. But Sexing silkies is very difficult they do not really mature until 7 months old and 90% of my cockerels crow about a month before they start showing tell tale signs of a cockerel like comb and streamers. My current rooster was always half the size of his hatch mates and did not look like a cockerel even when I told the breeder that he crowed at 5 months old she said no way but at about 7 months old his comb and streamers came in and he started dancing for his ladies and has fathered many gorgeous chicks.
My silkies have tricked me so many time I NEVER assign gender until they crow or I see them lay an egg/go broody. It makes it less disappointing that way. One thing I’ve noticed in my flock of silkies is my boys are more friendly and outgoing early on and my girls are more stand offish keeping there difference until they are at point of lay.
Him at about 4 months old you can see how tiny he was
Him at 7 months old
This weekend mooching for my pizza crust
Thank you everyone for your replies! I can only have two roosters here, so was sad to hear another little crow! NNYchick - she is probably going to turn out like your fellow, but I will keep hoping for a hen until I see some more male characteristics :fl If she is a he, might be time to move to a larger property so I can keep more chooks! :celebrate
I have had it go both ways had a pullet I seriously thought was a cockerel till the day she went broody. You just never know. Silkies are great at 2 things going broody and hiding their gender. :barnie Just when you think you’ve figured it out they throw you a curveball.
Sounds about right.. was thinking at that age, she'd be close to lay... My girl screams when her laying hormones kick in. Expect as a reminder that she's about to go into lay. It may get worse before it gets better... Mine's been very slow to grow out of it, but it does mellow down as the hormones even out.

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