Silkie & Bantam Salmon Faverolle Eggs

Daily update... 46 silkie & faverolle eggs, 4 goose, and 8 peafowl.

After 8+ hours of inconsistent temps and carting the eggs across town, I have 4 chicks out of the shell today so far.
I'm sorry to hear about your incubator troubles, but your misfortune is going to make someone very lucky!! I really wish I had the dough, because I would bid on these eggs in a heartbeat! We are putting up a deck this weekend though, and it's either deck or chicken eggs lol!
Good luck to all the bidders!
Love this! A little friendly competition isn't bad especially for the seller lol

I've gotta start restock the birds I lost, too hot to ship adults. So seeing these eggs is awesomeness!!!
I could just DIE!!!!! I have the room, I have the money, but we are moving to Maine on June 10th!! No way I can even think about trying to move a large cabinet bator 1600 miles with eggs trying to grow in it! It's the chance of a lifetime down the drain
Since these are going higher than I thought, I will ship out express on tuesday. I will package them in bubble wrap, cartons, lots of tape, stuff with newspaper, and ship in a Horizon box. I will cover any extra costs above the $25 incurred then. Amy
Daily update: grand tally so far... 63 (5.25 dozen) silkie & faverolle, 8 peafowl, 4 goose eggs. Getting all my strips of bubble wrap and paper towel cut now. I think I might have my hands full packing stuff on tuesday morning... I've been labeling all the eggs that I've been gathering as to which pens they came from. Still are going to be some mystery ones that my family gets though. The more I think about the express mail, the better I like that idea.... No packages getting jumbled around on a conveyor, no exposure to extreme heat/cold, next day delivery. Post office might wonder why there's no noise coming from it...

I think sending them express mail is a great idea as well. Especially using a Horizon box since I'm pretty sure they all say something about LIVE animals on there. From my understanding that will have that box of eggs being grouped with the live animals which hopefully means better handling. They may just assume that the animals in there are just super quiet! LOL
My post office says that any box sent express labeled live gets set aside on their own cart and gets special treatment (at least here and "so they say" lol).
Also sending express they will arrive a lot faster like you said and that's great in my situation with the temperatures being as hot as they are lately. I'm obsessed with refreshing this page lol I'm not sure what I would do with the goose or peafowl eggs but I love your silkies and I've been wanting some faverolle eggs forever!!
I can leave those peafowl and goose eggs out if you don't want them. The peafowl run 28 days and geese are about 28-31 days for incubation. You also need a bit higher humidity on the geese especially. All depends if you want to keep them or have a market to sell the babies. I know day old peachicks are minimum $25 each here on india blues and higher on rare colors.

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