Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

Earlier I mentioned my partridge silky roo, about his comb getting bigger and bigger. Today I looked at it, again it does seem to be getting larger even more. Is that something I should be concerned with? I do not have the ability to take photos and put them on this forum. The size of it is about a quarter.. Also my husband was telling me that roosters and how the challenge humans. What you think about that?
How old is your cockerel? A nice medium sized comb on a boy is more desirable than the tiny ones. I'm not sure if it is true, but all year long at the shows the breeders I have talked to have told me that fertility is higher on a boy with a nice big comb. Now... they are NOT talking about outrageously large combs that are just all over. But it still must have the correct shape and texture to it. I have a rooster that has IMO a pretty big comb. He was judged in both Showmanship and at a couple of shows and not deducted for it. I asked the last judge if he thought it was too large and he said it was about as big as he'd want to see it, but it was fine. Any larger, and it was going to be out of hand. I think I have a close up of it... Anyway, if you have something this size, it's FINE. Anything larger and it's probably getting out of hand.
OKay, I did have it. He's wet here, so you can see how his comb looks really well. The comb has the correct color and shape and texture on it. No horns or little bumps on it. Nice and smooth with the wrinkle in the middle. So actually, it's really not that desirable to have a tiny comb on a boy. You want that trait saved for the girls! :)
Here is a great example of what a comb should look like on a hen. Nice and small, dark and smooth. She's wet after her bath, otherwise you would never see her comb at all. The crest completely covers it up when she's fluffed.

As for roosters challenging people, yep, they do. Silkies don't do that so much. But I've raised a lot of other breeds and they sure will! Seems like the bantams are the worst for that trait! LOL The LF roosters seem more laid back, or I've just had good luck with them. I do have a couple of silkie boys now that are ankle attackers. I don't really like that, but it's right when I first walk into their pen. They settle down when I am busy with chores and don't bother my feet after the first initial-- "YIKES-- there's something coming in here!". And even though they attack when I first walk in, they are still really easy to pick up and relax when I hold them. I like them, they have some spunk and aren't overly hopped up on hormones about it. Now, I did have a rooster that would just not stop attacking me (NOT a silkie) and after months of this and trying to "work with him" (yeah, right) he would not calm down. He became dinner. I was getting tired of walking outside with a broom. His name was Susan, because I thought he was a "she" when he was a chick. He probably just never forgave me for it. LOL

We have three cockerels that are approx 6-7 months old and I am concerned about their wings. Can you please advise as to whether these guys should or should not be used for breeding and if you would keep them or rehome?
Bird #1




Bird #2 has identical wing carriage and here are his wings...


Bird #3



Splash-- he's not holding his wings right. But when you spread them out, they look fine. The first picture of the slash, it looks like he's just holding them loose. But then the next one looks like they are stacking wrong...? Let me show you what you want to avoid and what I had to cull this summer:

These are all different birds! ALL BAD wings! Can you say FRUSTRATION?!
Anyway, the only picture that really worries me of your Splash boy in the span is #4--- it looks like the Secondaries are swept back more than the Primaries... but you'll have to really look again, because if those are all of the same bird, which I am assuming it is, then it doesn't look like that on the others. He may just have a stacking problem-- sort of like a slipped wing in a goose. The very last picture of the Splash wing is perfect. They CAN have one bad side and one good side. Many of mine that had. His right side looks like it's just loose, but the left side looks sort of "slipped" or stacked wrong. I would watch him. Can you hang on to him for the winter and see what happens with him in a couple more months? Are you sure he's 6 months? He looks a bit younger, or just into 6 months-- I would not peg him at 7 for sure.

Okay, now your black does have loose wings, but does not look like they stack wrong. Just loose. The left wing is fine, BUT the right wing has a gap between the secondaries and Primaries. See my pictures above-- I have (had) several of those! I petted them out. But this is where you have to be careful-- if he's young, he could be missing his axial feather and a primary or two. On the right wing, I'm only counting 8 Primaries... is that right? Go count them and see. If he's missing some, they might come in later if they've fallen out. He should typically have 10 and up to 12. But his secondaries are swept back from the Primaries. I'm ify on him. I'd want to see if 2 or 3 months improved his wings, and if not, reevaluate then. Of course, he could be missing the follicle for those missing feathers, in which case isn't good. But I don't think that is very common.

Hi I'm in 4h and I have 3 silkies. This year when I showed my white silkie for showmanship she was really stubborn! I'm 14 and I was in a novice class because ethos was my first year, I ended up getting 1st but I would really like to keep moving up in classes! Do any of you have a suggestion of a good quality show hen that is friendly and good with being handled? I would really appreciate any knowledge you guys have!
My son is doing 4-H too! We prepared 3 birds for Showmanship this year. That way, if one is acting a bit goosey at the show, he has a couple back ups. They need to be cage trained. So put them in show cages (or wire dog cages) and give them a treat up front like the soft dog burger food. I forget the name of the food, but it's easy to find. You can also treat with sunflower seeds. Get her to be excited about seeing you come up to the cage. Then work on carrying her and handling her. My son would carry around his birds and pet them and look them over and get them used to be examined. For the judge, you'll be lifting the wing and blowing under it, so practice that. Practice running your hand/fingers down the legs and holding the legs out so you can count the toes and show them to a judge to prove the color and number and spacing. Practice turning the bird around so you can go through your list of points on the bird. They just need lots of handling. The younger you start a bird, the better. We had a rooster trained last year, and he was perfect! This year, we trained up 3 pullets. You want it to be one of your best looking birds, BUT--- the calmest. So always go with calm over flighty. So just LOTS and LOTS of handling and carrying and holding. You don't want them freaking out when you pull out their leg to show to the judge or to go flighty on you when you lift their wing.
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Hi I'm in 4h and I have 3 silkies. This year when I showed my white silkie for showmanship she was really stubborn! I'm 14 and I was in a novice class because ethos was my first year, I ended up getting 1st but I would really like to keep moving up in classes! Do any of you have a suggestion of a good quality show hen that is friendly and good with being handled? I would really appreciate any knowledge you guys have!
I'm 14 also and just did my first shows last Summer. I showed a White Silkie cockerel and we walked wonderfully! I trained him from February until the show which was in April. My friend showed a hen and she did not walk at all. I personally recommend showing cocks or cockerels. They love to walk and "strut" their stuff while walking. Judges LOVE that.
I also don't recommend showing crested breeds. They can't see, and then get scared with all the noise and don't like to walk. They settle down and just be happy to sit.
I'm 14 also and just did my first shows last Summer.  I showed a White Silkie cockerel and we walked wonderfully!  I trained him from February until the show which was in April.  My friend showed a hen and she did not walk at all.  I personally recommend showing cocks or cockerels.  They love to walk and "strut" their stuff while walking.  Judges LOVE that.  
I also don't recommend showing crested breeds.  They can't see, and then get scared with all the noise and don't like to walk.  They settle down and just be happy to sit.  

this is soo weird im 14!!!! too and i would luv to start showing but my stupid 4h teacher is a buthole and just ignores me when i try to get invovled.....i need help... has anyone else experienced this and wat can i do???????
this is soo weird im 14!!!! too and i would luv to start showing but my stupid 4h teacher is a buthole and just ignores me when i try to get invovled.....i need help... has anyone else experienced this and wat can i do???????
I've been involved with 4-H for years and am the next appointed leader for my club in 2013. The club leader facilitates the kids in helping them work with their projects and tries to keep them on task... but ultimately it is up to YOU to sign up for Poultry and get yourself going in the program. Have you signed up for Poultry 01 and gotten the lesson book for your first year? Your 4-H projects submissions were due December 10th, so if you haven't gotten those filled out and turned in for next year, I'd call the 4-H Extension Office to see if you can go ahead and get enrolled in Poultry for this year and ask for an extension. The 4-H leader can not read your mind if you are wanting to be a part of that project. AFTER you have enrolled, then you should have your booklet and you will be contacted (usually by e-mail) from the County Superintendent on meetings for poultry. Most likely you won't be contacted until January or Feburary. Maybe even March at the latest! March should bring your first shows in your local area (up to 3 hours driving distance). Keep checking your e-mail and watch the Events Calendar online for your area so you don't miss out on show opportunities. You CAN sign up for ANY shows-- even if they are out of your area. You can also You mark it down on your Records sheet as Local, Regional, National, etc.... which ever one identifies what you are working with. And by the way, it does NOT have to be a 4-H organized show for you to attend. You simply attend the show, and then record that on your Records Sheet as which ever meet identifies it. Then when you fill out your Poultry records, list all the shows you have attended, the names, dates, and winnings, if any. Keep your records up to date, and keep all of your info so you can fill them out.

I doubt your 4-H leader is being frustrating on purpose. Have you talked to them about what you want to do? Lack of communication would be your fault alone. You need to tell them what you want to do so they can HELP you.
4-H is about leadership and community, which means you have to step up for yourself and undertake these projects on your own and do what you need to do. Also, have your parents help you if you aren't comfortable with doing these things on your own. Your parents can call the leader and sort out which forms you need to get and what booklet you need right now. I hope you get this done so that you can be a part of the Poultry project this coming year!! Good luck!!
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Hello y'all!!! I am new to byc and also the show world!! I am in Lubbock Texas. I am very interested in showing silkies, polish, frizzles, D'uccles and more but silkies have to be my fave!!!

Here are a few non bearded silkies I currently have(most acquired from a friend) I would love opinions!!!

This is a young white non bearded hen I am interested to see if she has any potential.

Here is a black hen around same age

Here is a buff a little older but not much

Those are the ones I believe to be ok show quality but I would love others input!!!

Now here are 2 I don't think are full (would like to know color)
Hello y'all!!! I am new to byc and also the show world!! I am in Lubbock Texas. I am very interested in showing silkies, polish, frizzles, D'uccles and more but silkies have to be my fave!!!
Here are a few non bearded silkies I currently have(most acquired from a friend) I would love opinions!!!
This is a young white non bearded hen I am interested to see if she has any potential.
Here is a black hen around same age
Here is a buff a little older but not much
Those are the ones I believe to be ok show quality but I would love others input!!!
Now here are 2 I don't think are full (would like to know color)
for some reason i cant see the pictures :(

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