Silkie chicks from breeder, can I bathe them?


In the Brooder
May 5, 2022
Hello, I just picked up 2 silkies from a local breeder. One in particular is pretty dirty. It is about 2 weeks old. I was wondering if I could bathe her safely in warm soft running water or should I just use a warm wash cloth? Thanks!
What is your setup? Do they have heat? They will usually preen themselves so bathing not necessary but I think you can carefully bathe, wrap in a towel to dry, which ever way you want as long as you're not doing a heavy soak and then putting outside. Not even sure what temp's you're in but in general alot of people wind up soaking chickens in warm water for various reasons....
Welcome to BYC.

As a general rule dry chickens are healthy chickens.

Moving to a new home will be terribly stressful for your new birds and subjecting them to the trauma and potential chilling effect of a bath would make that worse.

If' it's not a matter of caked-on layers of filth, leave her be and let her preen herself clean. :)
Thank you for the advice.. the weather is very warm today, about 87 degrees.. I have them in a homemade brooder box with a heat lamp. There is two sides to it, one with the lamp and one without. One of the chicks is about 2 weeks and the other is 1 week. They are very Lethargic right now, although the smaller one did eat earlier just a bit. I have not seen them drink water yet, and I have electrolytes in the water. I also showed them where the water is and put their beaks in it to help them along. I’m a little worried about how inactive they are, but I’m hoping it is because of the trip to a new home.. any advice? The 2 week old is the one that looks dirty. But she isn’t caked with dirt or poop so I guess I will leave her alone for now and let them settle in. Thanks again
Also, could they be too hot with the outside heat and the lamp? Like I said there are two sides to the brooder, and I have them in our garage right now with the garage door open. The older one seeems to be panting a bit
Also, could they be too hot with the outside heat and the lamp? Like I said there are two sides to the brooder, and I have them in our garage right now with the garage door open. The older one seeems to be panting a bit

If possible, make one side of your brooder warm at the recommended temperature for their age and the other side significantly cooler so they can move away and not overheat.
Also, could they be too hot with the outside heat and the lamp? Like I said there are two sides to the brooder, and I have them in our garage right now with the garage door open. The older one seeems to be panting a bit
If the temp where you are is 87, and they are over a week old, I really don’t think they need supplemental heat all day unless the temp drops. Put a thermometer under the side of your brooder where the lamp is, & let us know what temp it registers at floor height.
One of the chicks is about 2 weeks and the other is 1 week. They are very Lethargic right now, although the smaller one did eat earlier just a bit. I have not seen them drink water yet, and I have electrolytes in the water. I also showed them where the water is and put their beaks in it to help them along. I’m a little worried about how inactive they are,

Also, could they be too hot with the outside heat and the lamp?
Please post some photos of the chicks, the brooder and their poop.

You mention they are lethargic. Have you reduced heat to see if they are doing better?
Outside in temps of 87F plus a heat lamp, they may be overheating.
I would work on getting them hydrated, if they are not drinking on their own, then give them fluids drop by drop along the side of the beak. Do make sure they have a way to get cooler as well.

Lethargic chicks, I would not bathe period.

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