Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure

Everyone has new fuzzy butts. I was only looking to add older birds the next couple of months.

Sooo.... I spent the day looking at incubators and hatching eggs and chicks for sale. See what you've done! I hope you're all happy now!

Rehabing an old barn into a new coop with heat and air is normal right? Everyone does that don't they?

Too cute Kathy! I'm still seeing 2 roos and 1 pullet.
Sorry, I have to laugh at averytds. It doesn't matter if my incubators are full or not, I always look. It really is an addiction! But when you run upon that special most wonderful egg or bird.... it was worth the time spent.

I have to go check if Serrin has any babies!
Yes!! Serrin has babies!! And Serrin is screaming at her obnoxious camera and uncooperative Photobucket account. And as soon as she has made it clear to each just who is the boss, she'll post pictures of the new wee babes!!
Thanks for asking!

Kathy, those precious little babies are getting more precious every time you post pics of them!
And I still say you have two pullets and a roo....but what do I know!!?? I was so convinced that Brewenna was a roo when she was little that I had named her Brewster!
Whatever their sex, they're going to bring great genetics to the program!
I'm so glad to see them in your capable hands!
Hurray for Serrin! I can't wait to see pics, do they have color like you wanted????

Kathy, you have one that is slow feathering in, I bet he is the Roo. I think that would be perfect! A trio!!!! They are so cool looking, so cool looking!!
alice .... What is your guess on yours; male or female?

Germaine .... You are so good at sexing. What do you think you got? I was thinking the same thing you said, about the one that is slower with the feathering, being male. If so, I have 2 females and 1 male. I am hoping it is the other way around though ..... wanting males!
The first 5wks pic looks like roo/pullet/roo to me, but it's just a pic so
The only breeds I seem to be proficient in at home are Brahmas and Silkies. I can usually spot the roos within 2-6wks. Probably helps that with the Brahmas I've only had roos and out of about 30 Silkies just 1 pullet. Of course I wanted pullets so I got roos.

Can't wait to see Serrin's pics. I'm okay now, I just bought a new digital temp controller. I should be good for egg hatching in about a week.

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