Silkie Feathered Ameraucanas adventure

If only space was unlimited. I'd keep a flock of EE x feather legs.
OMG I'm so very jealous right now. I just love fuzzy butts.

They are adorable!
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OH, I am so happy to see your pictures, Germaine! YAY ! ! !

Great job you did there! You are so smart, in helping them out. They really needed it!

ETA: Give that broody a special treat!
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(in my best Dora the Explorer voice...) You DID IT!!! YayyyyyyyY!!!!!! congratulations!

I agree that broodies are probably the best shot for these. If I get a chance to do it over I will hope to have a broody to help. Hopefully outcrossing and home hatching will greatly increase vigorous hatches in the future! I am so glad to see another person get a start on these, whatever the heck they are!
Today marks (basically) the SFA chick's one week 'birthday'. Mine was like Germaine's - there was some yolk absorbing trouble, and for me, that caused some pasty butt. I think I've finally got it to stay clean and the feathers are growing in like they should.


I agree Patty - broodies are the way to go. Perhaps you and I can team up for the next try?

Ultra-congratulations Germaine!!! They are so adorable.

The rest of my hatch can be seen here.
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No problem Germaine! You're certainly excused under the circumstances!

They'll pretty much be a surprise for me as the eggs came from a neighbor up the road. She has a BR roo, a RIR roo, a Cornish/RIR roo and a Cornish/White Leghorn cross roo. The hens in the flock with the BR and the RIR roos are mostly RIR's, BR's, a couple of EE's and I'm pretty sure I caught a glimps of a LB hiding near the back someplace. There were a handful of blue Wyandottes in there, but I'm pretty sure Griffin didn't get any kind of chance at them. He was too young prior to the time the eggs were collected and the other two roo's probably kept him well away from any ladies they viewed as being theirs...which was ALL of them!

I'm really hoping that I didn't get too many of the eggs from the Cornish X RIR flock. Not that I have anything against Cornish mind you. I just prefer to have color in my birds. And those didn't have a whole heck of a lot of color in them. And they don't look to be developing any color in this generation either as the head rooster in that flock is the Cornish X White Leghorn.
The Cornish X RIR roo looked to be considerably younger than the Leghorn and I'm betting he didn't cover hardly any of those hens in there. That's a shame as he had the most color out of any of them in that flock.

We'll know sooner rather than later what I've wound up with cuz...... I HAVE 4 EGGS PIPPED!!!
Any bets on how long these four little eager beavers take to come all the way out????
This is only the first full day of lock down!!

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