I don't know? Some things don't take as long as others. I think this might be a pretty easy project if you can get the right silkies to work with. But I honestly don' t know enough about the brahmas to know how much fine tuning you'll need for a show worthy bird.
True Seramas, not American Seramas, are categorized in four body types: Apple, Ball, Dragon, and Slim. The Dragon type is the most extreme, having the head reaching so far that is touches the back. American Seramas are a combination of Apple and Ball I believe. In Malaysia, there are no varieties, instead they catagorize by body type and weight.
If you want to learn about seramas go to( He was one of the first to bring the breed here. He also has the silkie seramas. He also explains the quote "NO difference" between the american/other. There is also a club he reccomends( As for grey pet quality silkies Ideal has them. I also subscribe to the poultry press its a lil newspaper with lots of info and breeders.

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