Silkie Hatch-A-Long

An update on my two hospital chicks…they are both doing great. The one that I thought was dead is doing waaaaay better. both chicks are walking, still pretty wobbly but walking. and they have their heads up. they have been pecking at the food and one is drinking on its own. I am hoping to put them back with there mom this afternoon

Also I canceled my last broodies eggs last night there was movement in 4-5 of them and all 8 were well developed so I am very hopeful
congrats on savings the two chicks!!! and woohoo on the latest broodie eggs!
Hi All You Silkiie hatchers Hope ill be joining in about Friday Catdance eggs coning from Washinton state to Mo.My birthday present from my son ...well he thinks im spending it all on clothes not frivolous eggs..but just dont tell him i had to feed my addiction

Im so excited but Worried about the long trip hope to get 2 or 3 be happy with 2 if i had a roo and hen to mate
Also have some silkie eggs from my paint silkies in bator already.Went in the 11 th I think due April 1 st.Hope they dont FOOL me by not hatching..These may have suprise colors as the parentage or should i say grand parentage is unknown
Plus my silkie hen went broody and is sitting on some eggs..well confusing in that coop because another black hen took over the silkie eggs and so broody silkie moved over to some old eggs.Not sure if black hen stayed on or not .If she got off hope silkie moved back on as the other eggs were too old. I thinkWill see today whats up if i can get in to look.Snowed and the canvas on the door stuck in the snow.Couldnt open yesterday
So a lot of silkiie setting going on at my house
good luck with the shipped eggs! and am totally with you on feeding the addiction...
ok, so got my 12 new shipped eggs in from Florida last wednesday, they are in the incubator, today is day 5, I did an early candle last night and see development in 11 of them! CRAZY!!!! altho it's still early and will know more on day 7 as at this point who knows if some of the veining I saw was blood rings or not, so hard to tell this early, but crazy rate for shipped eggs in any event..... so will definitely be having extra silkies! this batch is all buff with two white tossed in...

on a side note my other 16 are doing great! gave them crickets last night, holy cats that is HILARIOUS!
they just go crazy. gave them some a week ago and was pretty funny, with them bigger now (3 weeks old tomorrow) they were just like little monsters chasing them down.... got them some "party mix" hen/flock treats too, which is a HUGE success.... I take a few of them to school tomorrow for my son's kindergarten class, science class.... he has a request I bring his favorite (the biggest one) which he named "T Rex" as we read chickens are one of the closest living relatives of the T Rex...
Ok, we'll see if we get any takers, I set 28 silkie eggs on 02/06, did a 5 day candle last night and 19 viable!!!
sooo excited!!! Anyone else out there setting silkie eggs or getting close to hatch?
I got 3 eggs in my incubator and I only see one real good one but i'm hoping the others will come along too
I got 3 eggs in my incubator and I only see one real good one but i'm hoping the others will come along too

I have been taking eggs in EVERY day! from my silkie rooster and sizzle & silkie hens. So far, I have no fertilized eggs. I have 12 in the incubator now, but since I have not had one fertilized yet, I am not sure I can join your hatching group! LOL
Every morning, I collect an egg because no one is sitting on them and they are cold... it is not warm here yet so I keep bringing them in. Won't be long until I can just let a hen take over!
I can't wait!
I just purchased two silkies (one frizzled and one smooth) from California). They will arrive on Friday! I really needed another sizzle rooster... so excited! This breed is hard to find in KY!!
I'll send pictures! I hope they arrive okay!

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