Silkie hen goes BUMP.......


8 Years
May 18, 2011
Danville, Vermont
The other day I was bringing my hens a treat while they were out foraging. When they see me coming, they all run toward me knowing it's time for a treat. I was watching my silkie hen come around a corner and running and she just bumped into one of the raised garden beds, fell over, got up and ran to me for her treat. I guess her vision must be blocked by her top knot. Does anybody out there trim their silkies so their vision won't be impaired?
I saw a post on the Genetics/breeding page where someone who shows puts hair bands on their Silkie to keep the feathers out of the eyes. Other posters said they trimmed the feathers. We have 3 Silkies so I'm sure I'll have to make the same choice when they get older - they are just 5 weeks old now.

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