Silkie - Is this a new color, DQ, or...?

Okay, I'll admit that one went right over my head. I thought "slash" was a typo & Disco Hen looked at the wrong picture or else she was suggesting "slash" as a color name. Obviously I'm not a Guns n Roses fan so I guess I'll have to google them & see what you're talking about. Hmm. Slash might be a good name for her though. Thank you both for the input.

LOL LOL LOL. While I think it was a typo of "splash" from looking at the hen with the one in question in the 4th photo, she does kind of look like the Guns N Roses guitarist with her awesome hairdo! Sonoran is right, it is like the opposite of mottled. Looking forward to reading the info.

Are you going to try and show her country?
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Mottled has white tips with otherwise balck feathering. The opposite of this bird. Yes, AOV is All Other Varieties. However, it also needs a variety name to be listed with it. IMO, the bird is either a black or a very dark blue. Looks to be black. I know I have read something about the cause of whiter base to the feathers. I will see if I can find it, and then comment further.

BTW, if by "slash," you meant "splash," that is the other bird in the photo with two.

Thank you Sonoran. I figured if anyone would know or could find out, it would be you. I would definitely appreciate your opinion/comments and/or any info you can find about her "color" and what causes it. Plus if you have any suggestions on what to call the color if I decide to show her in AOV at any shows.

Also, I must comment on your avatar. I thought the last one was gorgeous, but your current girl has to be one of the nicest Silkies I've ever seen. If I could produce one that was even close to that nice, I would be over-the-moon happy!!!!
LOL LOL LOL. While I think it was a typo of "splash" from looking at the hen with the one in question in the 4th photo, she does kind of look like the Guns N Roses guitarist with her awesome hairdo! Sonoran is right, it is like the opposite of mottled. Looking forward to reading the info.

Are you going to try and show her country?

Well, the CA State Fair is coming up so if I can figure out what to call that color I might just enter her there. Hoppy had a good idea in that I might at least get some feedback from the judges - good or bad - about her. I guess the most they can do is DQ her.

So let's see - should she be called a Smoke, a Slash (lol), a Reverse Mottled, or perhaps a Polka Dot?

I'd sure like to know how I got her, as I don't mix my Silkie colors. I do have what I call my "fun experimental color" pen but there are no blacks or blues in there & I'm pretty sure she isn't from there anyway. My records got really messed up just about the time she was hatched so I'm not sure I can find her background but I'm going to look back & try.
Quote: Thank you
Your comment makes my heart sing! I really like this girl, and I can claim that I bred her, unlike my previous avatar, gorgeous a she was.
Whatever color she is, she is beautiful! Producing more of this color would be something I think a lot of people would enjoy owning. Thank you for sharing the picture and being open for opinions.

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