silkie sexing


I am having the hardest time trying to sex my 4ish month old silkie! Almost looks like a comb coming in but not sure!

Those are maybe streamers starting to develop but I can't really tell. More pictures would help.





I'm wondering about my little fluffy, favorite splash
There is definitely a comb but it's not super wide and there's no sign of waddles yet... I've been telling myself boy because I'd rather end up with a happy surprise than disappointment. Don't tell anyone...but secretly...I would love it if he's a she!
(S)he's just about 11 weeks.
What do ya'll think?

I posted this on the silkie page as well, but thought I would repost here. Thanks!
I'd say pullet.

@lightchick I really hope so! I see (s)he has a bit above her beak that the others don't have, but seeing the other posts from people with their silkier around the same age, make it clear as day that they have a rooster on their hands! I wish she was easier to read!

I'm wondering about my little fluffy, favorite splash
There is definitely a comb but it's not super wide and there's no sign of waddles yet... I've been telling myself boy because I'd rather end up with a happy surprise than disappointment. Don't tell anyone...but secretly...I would love it if he's a she!
(S)he's just about 11 weeks.
What do ya'll think?

I posted this on the silkie page as well, but thought I would repost here. Thanks!
I really think thats probably a roo. Im sorry

This is Edna. I would like her to be a girl because I already have a silkie rooster. I am not sure what color she is, because she looks too light to be a buff. The little patch of feathers on her head stands straight up, and it is so cute! She is about two or three months old.





I'm wondering about my little fluffy, favorite splash
There is definitely a comb but it's not super wide and there's no sign of waddles yet... I've been telling myself boy because I'd rather end up with a happy surprise than disappointment. Don't tell anyone...but secretly...I would love it if he's a she!
(S)he's just about 11 weeks.
What do ya'll think?

I posted this on the silkie page as well, but thought I would repost here. Thanks!
I say Roo because that comb looks like my late blooming Roo that we thought was a she until he was 5 months old!
I posted this in the silkie thread , but thought that I might get more answers here.
Pullet or roo??
OK here's some pics! Still is at very bottom of pecking order and acts like a girl. Very quiet and ALWAYS getting left behind by the other chicks.
"She is about half the size of the other LF chicks ("her" fluff makes "her" look bigger).

Oops, got left behind AGAIN! Where did they go????

"Her" size by a LF rooster chick. (found them!)

What do you think?
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