silkie sexing

My last silkie roo started crowing last night so now I'm just waiting for my 1 hen to lay. They will be 19 weeks sun & I have 2 silkie chicks that will be 2 weeks sun, I'm really hoping for girls
Hello, please help us sexing our partridge silkie "Milo" and our black silkie "Zulu". They are both about 4 to 5 months old. We are pretty sure Zulu is a girl and Milo is starting to look like a boy, but is pretty mellow and has not crowed yet if he is a boy. We were hoping for two girls, but have fallen in Love with both. We already have a golden laced bantam cochin and are not sure what we are going to do if Milo is a boy. We are pretty new to chicken and in particular silkies and would appreciate any help.

They both appear to have very similar comb and wattle development. I'm not sure with these two. They are at the age where if either is a boy they will get some serious wattle and comb growth. They are both unbearded so both sexes will have the wattles. Males will get a much wider, larger comb than females. Keep us updated please!
Thank you for your comments. You can't tell in the pictures, but Milo's (our partridge silkie) wattles are much more pronounced/lower hanging and the comb is bumpy. Milo has some pimply cauliflower bumps growing above the beak which looks like the beginning stages of what a silkie rooster would grow. Zulu (our black silkie) does not have that. On the other hand, I have been reading that some silkie hens grow a small bumpy comp too. Milo's head feathers seem more spiky and swooped back, where as Zulu has a fuller fluffy head like a helmet. Both have a more " S" shaped neck which is supposed to be a female trade. Milo is more gutsy, dominant and aggressive and always takes food away from Zulu. So as you can see, we are very torn and confused. Please keep your thoughts and guesses coming ...

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