Silkie Thread! Talk about your Silkies and post pics of your Silkies

I mark my eggs as to which pen and color it came from. The only other birds I have that lay are quail and 1 pen with oegb's. The quail and oegb's don't get out of their pens. I also have 1 black orph roo that never gets out of his pen and 3 bbs orph pullets not laying yet and a cochin pullet also not laying yet. So the only roo that could have gotten to this one would be a different color silkie roo. The egg was marked with a P which means it came from the partridge silkie pen. I also have a sizzle chick with similar markings and color that is in the sizzle pen. It was marked siz which means it came from the sizzle pen. That roo is a grey silkie roo.

There was several days back a couple months ago when I let the partridge silkies out and the sizzles out to free range. I'm thinking it's my partridge silkie roo. I got a PM from somebody that got some eggs from me and they have a chick that is also similar to this one. I'm afraid there have been more.
but noboey else has mentioned it. I had a calico roo but I sold him after I got several eggs with him. I have 1 of the chicks.

The roo in the sizzle pen now is the grey that i've had nearly 2 years and he hasn't put out any striped or smooth chicks. He has put out laced ones though.
Here are those 2 roos
Silkie roo in the sizzle pen
Partridge silkie roo. This is when I first got him last year. He has alot of gold on him now but that head is still ugly.
He's in the back of the pic by the pen. This was taken this spring

I'm going to replace him as soon as I can. Especially since I think he's putting out the non silkied chicks. I can't sell eggs knowing he is probably mixed. I wish I could remember who I got him from so I could ask about his background. She is on BYC. Maybe she will contact me if she sees these posts. We met at LBL to pick him up and we had our grandsons with us.

if he's silkie and girls are silkie all babies well be silkied
i still think this egg came out ur sizzle pen

Here is the one that came from the sizzle pen thats older than the previous one They look alot alike except for this ones feet have less feathers

Maybe it did come from the sizzle pen and I just had one of those days where I forgot the gathering basket with my markers in it and used my pockets to separate them. That happens from time to time.
We've been moved for 2 months now. The last chick is about 3 or 4 weeks old. It is possible the partridge roo could have gotten to one of the sizzle hens. Hmmmmmm come to think of it, Moe was the one hanging out with the partridge silkies.
So the mother is very likely to be Moe the blue sizzle. She doesn't have a crest and the partridge roo has a few feathers sticking up on his head. Poor ugly fella.

I moved the partridge silkies to a different pen before we moved. I swapped the partridges with the whites pens.

My brain is on overload trying to remember all this stuff from 2 - 3 months ago.
The person that told me they have a chick like this got a mix of sizzle and silkie eggs. HMMMMMM!
I have a terrible time trying to everyones eggs separate and have given up until I get to my new place and then I will try again!!!

Here is a pic of my little mixes a few months old. I have an older one just like this. I think they are pretty though!


She is older now and that poof even got bigger.
Looks to me like she has a Columbian color going on there. I have had gray males that start to color in like that, but never females.
I would like to see a photo of her when she matures.
Here are my Silkies: The light grey one is a mixed ( I don't know with what ) Both are hens born about end of Febuary 2012
I just got 5 silkies today!!
Im so excited but i knowtist that my red silkie chick doesnt have that much of a knowtisable 5th toe. I see a tiny like speck that looks like it may turn out to be a toe, any advice? And I would just like to know more about them.

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