Silkie thread!

o dose it or i was guessing that the columbian silkie has the partridge gene right cause it takes 2 doses for it to show up right 1 dose from him and the other dose from the partridge frizzle cochin
I knew I had heard that 4 toes could be incubation issues, thats why I had said it was "iffy" but was thought to be genetic. I would not want to put a 4 toe bird in a breeding pen for fear of not knowing if its genetic or just an incubation issue. Thank you for letting us know about that though. I bred a 12 toed bird and half the offspring had 11 and 12 toes so I steer clear from using them.

Wow! More to learn! thank you!

Actually, 4 toes can also be incubation--low temps during the first few days. Surprised me when I read that, but it is in Hutt, one of the classic poultry genetics resources. 6 toes is not a separate allele of the polydactyly gene, just an excessive expression. If you have plenty of other equally good birds, pass the bird on to someone else (thoroughly explaining the DQ), but if it is otherwise a better bird than your other choices, it is fine in the breeding pen.

Polydactyly is dominant, so even birds with one copy of polydactyly and one copy of not-polydactyly can have correct toes. Scared is correct that two birds with correct toes can throw birds with incorrect toes.
Marty, maybe you were talking about me? I was telling you about ChooksChick (Renee) who lives in Lawrence and has silkies. She has BBS and Lavender. Her BBS are pretty nice. :) That wouldn't be too far of a drive for you, I don't think.
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Hi Scaredofshadows - is that kitten your hatching assistant? My kitty lets me know when the eggs start peeping in the hatching incubator. Never tries to eat the babies, just seems interested in the noise.

Was it you who told me the handle of someone here who has black silkies? Someobody on this thread did, and now I can't find the thread again. It took so long to read it all the first time, I kind of hate to start over.

I think it was me. I recommended Aimee Crego - she has really good blacks and is improving them greatly every year. I highly recommend at least talking to her, she doesn't often sell birds, but shes going to be your best source of Information and will have a good idea on who sells good blacks.

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