Silkie thread!

Hi! I have got a trio of Silkies, a pullet a cockerel and 1 who we aren't sure what sex he/she is. Is it true that Silkies stop laying in the summer?
Mine have been laying year round. An egg every other day. My silkies don't lay every single day. But I bet that is different for each bird.

Thanks, Hawkeye! I'm so anxious to see how she turns out! :)
I can understand!! I can't wait to see how this next group of mine fill in!

Ok guys--I heard back about the pretty trio...the roo is 2 1/2 years and the hens are 2 years old. Is this too old
to give me a good number of babies and get my breeding program started? I want to go look at them tomorrow, but wanted some input. Thanks so much for all the help!
AND, I have chicks pipping!!!

Yeah, that's a great age!! Definitely a GO. :) Enjoy your new birds!!! Congrats!! Post pictures when you get them home and settled.

That depends on where you live. Every state has different rules. Most western states have no testing requirements. I think Oregon may be an exception (it's either Oregon or Washington, and I never can remember which, and I am not certain what the specific requirements are). In a lot of western states getting NPIP tested is very difficult to impossible.
We must have over a 100 state testers here. I guess I'm pretty darned lucky, it's very easy to find someone to test your flock. :)
I have some of these in lock down right now!
And another set in the incubator. Can't wait to see what/who I get. I saw your other pics and they are beautiful.....I hope mine will be as adorable....feel free to post more pics of them!
Lucky You!
I hope you have a great hatch on both groups. What kind are you incubating..........and how many? Are they your own silkie eggs or shipped? Sorry about all the questions. I think I've got the bator bug, but I'm not allowed to hatch right now. (At DH's request) I'm incubating a dozen bbs in September, though.

Here's a picture of my last babies the day after they hatched...all tuckered out! May you have a brooder full of cute, little fluffybutts very soon!

Lucky You!
I hope you have a great hatch on both groups. What kind are you incubating..........and how many? Are they your own silkie eggs or shipped? Sorry about all the questions. I think I've got the bator bug, but I'm not allowed to hatch right now. (At DH's request) I'm incubating a dozen bbs in September, though.

Here's a picture of my last babies the day after they hatched...all tuckered out! May you have a brooder full of cute, little fluffybutts very soon!

Cute photo! I love to see them all limp and passed out. :)
For exhibition you show up at coop-in, put your very clean bird into its assigned cage, put food and water in the cage, and then sit back and relax until it is time to take your bird home. At judging, the judge will one by one take each bird out of its cage, look it over and then put it back. For the best birds, they may get handled several times. After handling, the judge will mark the coop card with the bird's placement. Champion birds may be moved to different cages to make a Championship Row.

For showmanship, you will take your bird and handle it in front of the judge, answering questions about chickens in general and your bird in specific. You will show off different parts of the bird such as its wing, keel, hackles, etc. With some shows, birds must be entered in exhibition to be entered in showmanship, and in others they cannot. And everything in between; it depends on the specific show's rules. And not all shows have showmanship.

That sounds easy enough.

Thank you!
Lucky You!:weee I hope you have a great hatch on both groups.  What kind are you incubating..........and how many?  Are they your own silkie eggs or shipped?  Sorry about all the questions.  I think I've got the bator bug, but I'm not allowed to hatch right now.  (At DH's request)  I'm incubating a dozen bbs in September, though.

Here's a picture of my last babies the day after they hatched...all tuckered out!   May you have a brooder full of cute, little fluffybutts very soon!:fl

OMG! How cute is that!
We have a hen that came from a different farm with a couple others a few weeks back. They all had the scaley leg mite, this hen being worst. I've been treating it and all of their legs had cleared except for this one hen that had just a tiny bit left. Well, I wasn't too concerned about her legs at that point and I haven't been out there to put anything on her feet for about 2 weeks. (Yes, bad me.) I went and checked on her today and found out that the mites were back and had spread quite a bit. All the other chickens still have clear feet.
The problem is that looks like one of her toes had had a cut on it and it didn't look pretty AT ALL. I don't know if it was caused by the mites or something else. Her foot is very puffy and swollen and plain ugly. I'm thinking it looks like a start of a bumblefoot? I'm hoping I'm wrong and it's something minor, but incase it's bumblefoot, what is the cure for this? Other than a vet's visit?
I took a couple of pictures. They are not great pictures, I just couldn't get a good angle to show the puffyness of the foot. But you can see the toe that is badly injured on her right foot. Pardon all the mud and dirt on her feet. It poured here today. I feel so terribly quilty for not checking up on this hen more often.


What can I do??? I have some antibiotics called Amtyl. Will this be of any help?
Yeah, that's a great age!! Definitely a GO. :) Enjoy your new birds!!! Congrats!! Post pictures when you get them home and settled.
Thank you! Now, if these chicks will hatch! Two had pipped before I got up today--lock down day--and I got the bator set, candled a few slow pokes before I realized it....they are vocal, but not zipping...I'm worried they may be shrink wrapped. One had pipped the wrong end...but, now has a pip in the correct end....oh, the madness!!!

Lucky You!
I hope you have a great hatch on both groups. What kind are you incubating..........and how many? Are they your own silkie eggs or shipped? Sorry about all the questions. I think I've got the bator bug, but I'm not allowed to hatch right now. (At DH's request) I'm incubating a dozen bbs in September, though.

Here's a picture of my last babies the day after they hatched...all tuckered out! May you have a brooder full of cute, little fluffybutts very soon!

Thanks you!! I have some of Mary's eggs, too. She lives pretty close to me--that's why I wanted to see more of the ones you got from her--but, pics of all Silkies are adorable!!
I have 12 supposed to hatch by Sat., and another double order in my other incubator. I have been having a problem with high humidity (around 45-48%)....I've tried everything, but the humidity in my house stays around 55%!! So, I'm gonna be done after the big batch until cooler weather.
Thank you! Now, if these chicks will hatch! Two had pipped before I got up today--lock down day--and I got the bator set, candled a few slow pokes before I realized it....they are vocal, but not zipping...I'm worried they may be shrink wrapped. One had pipped the wrong end...but, now has a pip in the correct end....oh, the madness!!!

Thanks you!! I have some of Mary's eggs, too. She lives pretty close to me--that's why I wanted to see more of the ones you got from her--but, pics of all Silkies are adorable!!
I have 12 supposed to hatch by Sat., and another double order in my other incubator. I have been having a problem with high humidity (around 45-48%)....I've tried everything, but the humidity in my house stays around 55%!! So, I'm gonna be done after the big batch until cooler weather.

If they haven't made any progress in 24 hrs. I usually help. If they aren't strong enough to pip I don't help because the first time I did I found it was deformed and that was the problem. :(
First time user... desperately seeking a loving home for 2 of my Silkies. They just started crowing, and neighbors aren't thrilled. If anybody in the Mandarin, or close, area is interested, or knows someone that is, please let me know. They are free, I only ask they go to a loving home.

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