Silkie thread!

My new roo. Meet Charley.

If I have some EE hens and they mate what would the chicks possibly look like?

I've had vice versa. They are like a partridge color but with normal feathers. Some may come out with 5 toes on one foot and 4 on the other, or maybe all 5 or all 4. They make really pretty chicks!
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I am sorry, for a minute I thought you said you had an EE that was broody... I have never had a broody EE.

I don't think it matters who is broody - or what eggs they are - they will try. The only kicker is some breeds expect the chicks to look a certain way and they will kill the chicks that look "wrong". My Sumatra kills anything that isn't Black based. My Partridge Silkie doesn't like black, blue, white or yellow. My Blue Silkie doesn't care, nor does the Buff one.

With EEs, who knows what they expect. So sure, you can put some Silkie Eggs under her - she just may mother them for years because they never get their adult feathers

Thanks! You are so right on the accepting different chicks though! I put some Easter Egger eggs under some broody silkies with some silkie eggs last month, and when they hatched the momma silkie rejected the EE babies! Fortunately I had a standard hen that had gone broody a couple of days after the silkies went broody - so she adopted them no problem! I did not see that coming at all! Your comment on them mothering for years is hillarious!!
Ok I have another question. I have changed my flock to silkies except for a small few and one of which is my welsummer hen. She has been attached to my big polish rooster for a year at least and always lays very good, but I decided to sell that rooster due to his aggressive behavior and now after a month she STILL won't go around any of my 5 silkie roosters! I really want to keep hatching her babies but I dont know how to get her interested in them? She seems to stay to herself all the time now :(. Its sad but I figured she would move on? Should I lock her in a pin with one of them or?? I'm at a loss so any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks again everyone!!!
Ok I have another question. I have changed my flock to silkies except for a small few and one of which is my welsummer hen. She has been attached to my big polish rooster for a year at least and always lays very good, but I decided to sell that rooster due to his aggressive behavior and now after a month she STILL won't go around any of my 5 silkie roosters! I really want to keep hatching her babies but I dont know how to get her interested in them? She seems to stay to herself all the time now :(. Its sad but I figured she would move on? Should I lock her in a pin with one of them or?? I'm at a loss so any advice would be greatly appreciated!! Thanks again everyone!!!

Perhaps if you pen her with one of the little guys she will grow to like him. Good luck.

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