Silkie thread!

Its very brave of you to do a surgery I hope it didn't hurt to much for her poor girl. Wishing the best for her she's one of my favorites on BYC.
I gave her some baby aspirin first, she was very good, didn't move or make a sound.

There are shots they can give that prevent laying. I don;t recall the med.
I have heard, but the vet I usually go to had no idea what I was talking about, I may ask the avian vet near me and see if he knows. But for now i'll just see if I can regulate it.
went out to check on eggs and one of my older hens was in my duck kiddy pool
I think I got to her in time but she still isn't breathing good I have never gave a chicken CPR till now I have her wraped up in towel is there anything eels I should do
I had a chick almost drown. It was barely alive. I fed her Nurti Drench in her water frequently and kept her very warm and now she is my head chicken.

Sorry if my answer rubbed you the wrong way--I didn't intend that. From your comments, I thought you had 8 eggs, not 28. Anyways, there is no genetic predisposition for blue or splash to have hatching issues. However, one of the parents could have something else that is passed through, making viability poor.

That makes sense. Maybe the ones hatching are coming from healthier chickens(but only produce splash) and the dark ones are coming from one with weaker genetics.
I just got my order of ten silkie chicks from IdealPoultry, and to my surprise, I have nine extra little chicks that I don't know what to do with. I think the nine extra are barred rocks, but I am not certain. Hopefully I can find a home for them because there is no way that I can keep all of them. Anyways, my ten silkie chicks are a variety of colors: three white, one black, two gray, one appears to be partridge, two brownish orange chicks, and one little yellow chick. I will post pictures soon, but I was wondering if anyone knows what the yellow chick will be? Normally I would assume it would grow up to be white, but since my other three are obviously white, I am wondering if he will turn buff. The two brownish chicks I hope to be buff, but is it possible they are partridge? They are a very light brown, almost orange in color. Thanks for any help!
I just got my order of ten silkie chicks from IdealPoultry, and to my surprise, I have nine extra little chicks that I don't know what to do with. I think the nine extra are barred rocks, but I am not certain. Hopefully I can find a home for them because there is no way that I can keep all of them. Anyways, my ten silkie chicks are a variety of colors: three white, one black, two gray, one appears to be partridge, two brownish orange chicks, and one little yellow chick. I will post pictures soon, but I was wondering if anyone knows what the yellow chick will be? Normally I would assume it would grow up to be white, but since my other three are obviously white, I am wondering if he will turn buff. The two brownish chicks I hope to be buff, but is it possible they are partridge? They are a very light brown, almost orange in color. Thanks for any help!

Buff? Some of mine are yellowish.

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