Silkie thread!


O here is a better pic of them they are all splash I am getting three more either tomarrow or Wednesday

Can anyone tell me how long it takes to get passed the ugly chick phase lol? My silkies are about 3 weeks and look all patchy. They are still adorable but I can't wait for their fluff to fill out.. tia :)

Here mine are about two months old and they are pretty much all feathered out
Do any of you trim the fluff on the chicken butts? I have done it with my cochins and ot helps increase egg fertility but I was wondering if it would help with silkies. I have tried incubating silky eggs and never have had luck getting any to hatch.
Thank you all for messaging, well i think He/She was just trying to size up to them
He/She has not done it for 4 days now, and i will soon be moving them into the bigger horse watering tub that the tractor supply gave us so they will have pently of room and i now i'm not for sure if i am right about the GENDER AND NON-BEARDED AND BEARDED
today i woke up and went out there to feed them and my white non-bearded now looks like it is a female as its poof is going around the face and going down the beak and it looks like it is getting a bearded. XD I am puzzled now on this batch. All my other batches was easy to tell now i cant tell
i will just have to see. and i will be getting 40 silkie chicks this month or next month from cackle hatchery 10 blue 10 buff 10 splash and 10 white so i will have a total of 44 silkies hopeing the 40 are bearded i kinda dont like non-bearded.

@Fancychooklady likes the non-bearded because the birds' faces stay cleaner and she believes their vision is less obstructed without muff/beard below the eyes. Either bearded or non-bearded will be sweet birds. Not every bearded pullet will suit your expectations either. Out of a batch of a dozen juvenile pullets we saw in a pen being sold by a private breeder only two were what I would call beautiful with the fluffiest roundest crest/beard/muffs - the other 10 were bearded but were poor specimens IMO - a non-bearded would've looked better! Still, I do hope you enjoy the ones you get!
Do any of you trim the fluff on the chicken butts? I have done it with my cochins and ot helps increase egg fertility but I was wondering if it would help with silkies. I have tried incubating silky eggs and never have had luck getting any to hatch.

I used to have to trim my Cochin's too. I've never had to trim my Silkies, but I know breeders that do. Trim about an inch below the vent on the roo and an inch above on the hens (though I'm sure you already know that :) ).
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These are the three babys that have hatched still have one egg left.from my pair of black silkies how is the third one blue /silver. Both parents are solid black here they are.
Those are cure chicks! I wish I could have some some success as getting some chicks from my silkie hens. I am cheating this hear and getting about 10 bearded buff silkie chicks. I tried to bid on some silkies at a poultry auction last weekend and was out bid.

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