Silkie thread!

Yes as long as they are in a pen they would be fine because if any neighbors have hens they would go to the neighbors.

Silkies are a breed that should always have a secure run and coop for times when one can't be home to keep an eye on them, so I don't think that would be an issue...

Ok thank you what do you think about the others I posted yesterday.

Didn't see them, sorry...
O here I will post them again






Well you could get a roo and a hen and then just don't let her set on eggs.

Not a good idea IMO. One hen will get worn out being mated by the one roo. He would need a minimum of 2 hens and best 3 hens. I counted my Silkie roo mounting his sister 12x in an hour and that was only when I caught him at it. That's when it was time to not keep one hen with one roo.
@Sylvester017 I'm thinking the same thing. He's the biggest, and they're all the same age (or within two days). "He's" blue, and there are two more blue and two black. And the partridge, of course.

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