Silkie thread!



Poor baby. Is it swollen? I've dealt with broken toes/feet twice with my turkeys this year. Once with an older poult who broke its middle toe, I used a popsicle stick and taped it up and it healed fine. Another with a young poult, about a week old. I think it was one of the foot bones, not the toes. I couldn't do much about it, and it limped pretty bad for about a week, but it healed up fine on its own and walks perfectly normal now at three months old. How did little mumsy get hurt?

Oh that's such good news that your pullet healed, I think its the same with Mumsy it looks more like the foot instead of a toe it looks a little swollen in the foot area. I was hoping to hear someone had the same experince and it healed well. Thanks for sharing. I figured it would take about a week these little guys grow so fast it should heal fast. Brakes my heart when she cries about it. It's my fault she got hurt I put her out with the hens and siblings to soon and even tho I was there she got steped on by a hen before I could scoop her up. I should have never put her out so soon. Won't make that mistake again.

I am glad Mumsy is doing well - hopefully to soon be joined by some other peepers. Some hens just don't "take care" as well as others do. I usually give them one hatch - if they are bad mommies they don't get a second chance (even if they ARE Silkies). The good ones get repeat deals.

My HQ very poor quality Silkie is the best broody I have had so far. She had a staggered hatch because of the eggs I stuck under her when I found her sitting - no idea how long she had been on but I knew it couldn't be over a couple of days (gone for the weekend -oops). I put her in a small cage in the front room when the eggs started hatching - and she hatched out all the eggs I gave her with no fuss whatsoever about the move. She sat for 6 days from first out to final out to hatch them all. The chicks couldn't go far - and it was warmer there than outside in December - but when they peeped she said "come here" and didn't get off those eggs until they were DONE!
Patience is a virtue.. and a tough one to have!

The ones I am seeing changes on are now about 3 months old - but some birds just don't show anything for a long time. You can look at the birds and see if there is any growth on the comb. If you have beardless (I have both) the wattles on the boy started growing about 7 weeks. The one I am sure of now has a large comb, huge legs, dime size wattles (beardless), bright blue ears and definite streamers out the back of his head. The one I go back and forth doesn't have the correct comb (looks to be a pea comb - its a Sizzle cross and the two OUTSIDE ridges are growing?) and the streamers (if they are streamers and not crest growth) are not going back only - they are also going forward and straight up..
However the bird has the red patches on the wings that screams "Boy".. so I just don't know.

Here s/he is:

Born 5/8/2013 - so is almost 13 weeks.

If you want some help, you can always post pictures of your birds and have other people guess. Best pictures are profile of the whole bird standing normally on flat ground, and up close of head showing comb. Sometimes on the big poofy ones you can wet down their heads to see the combs better.

Yeah I'll post pictures of them soon. Rain is coming again, everyday it rains.
Hey y'all. So I had three Silkie eggs under a broody Silkie. She decided after 13 days she was done sitting. So I of course wanted to see if she would go back into a broody state. She had abandoned the nest for about 6 hrs when I discovered she was done. Sought the advice of a trusted friend and set up a small container tub with my red brooder lamp and put the eggs under it. At the end of the day I candled and discovered two looked like they quit but one was still red in the veining. So I left all three overnight. Went out and adjusted the lamp height the next morning so not so hot, was 105 under the lamp. Left the eggs all day and candles that evening. Two eggs were obvious quiters, all black veins. But one was still alive, and I saw movement. Tossed the quiters and left the live egg in the tub. The next day was real hot and temp got to 112 under the lamp, but the little bugger was still moving inside. At this point I asked the same friend if I could borrow one of her many bators. Picked it up yesterday and she brings out a Genesis 1588 for me to borrow. That one egg is in it and still going strong. Tomorrow evening is lockdown. After this chick hatches, hopefully, I will be setting a bunch of Blue and Buff Silkie eggs I have been collecting this week to hatch some stock and see what I get. Oh and BTW, Marsala laid her first egg yesterday. I know it was hers because the former broody laid the day before and is a consistent every other day layer. And this egg was a little smaller and had some blood streaks. Checked Marsala's vent and it could have an egg pass through it now. Yay, finally at 8.25mo. The only pullet I have yet to start is the light Blue from the Catdance eggs, we named her Smokey, since she looks like smoke. She is only 4.5mo though and still in the juvie pen.

I am glad Mumsy is doing well - hopefully to soon be joined by some other peepers.  Some hens just don't "take care" as well as others do.  I usually give them one hatch - if they are bad mommies they don't get a second chance (even if they ARE Silkies).  The good ones get repeat deals.

My HQ very poor quality Silkie is the best broody I have had so far.  She had a staggered hatch because of the eggs I stuck under her when I found her sitting - no idea how long she had been on but I knew it couldn't be over a couple of days (gone for the weekend -oops).  I put her in a small cage in the front room when the eggs started hatching - and she hatched out all the eggs I gave her with no fuss whatsoever about the move.  She sat for 6 days from first out to final out to hatch them all.  The chicks couldn't go far - and it was warmer there than outside in December - but when they peeped she said "come here" and didn't get off those eggs until they were DONE!

She has been a very good mom, I don't think she meant to step on her. They are all out now and seem to be doing well. The light colored one may have some splay leg I'm going to give her a little time see if it corrects its self, might have to help.
Hey y'all. So I had three Silkie eggs under a broody Silkie. She decided after 13 days she was done sitting. So I of course wanted to see if she would go back into a broody state. She had abandoned the nest for about 6 hrs when I discovered she was done. Sought the advice of a trusted friend and set up a small container tub with my red brooder lamp and put the eggs under it. At the end of the day I candled and discovered two looked like they quit but one was still red in the veining. So I left all three overnight. Went out and adjusted the lamp height the next morning so not so hot, was 105 under the lamp. Left the eggs all day and candles that evening. Two eggs were obvious quiters, all black veins. But one was still alive, and I saw movement. Tossed the quiters and left the live egg in the tub. The next day was real hot and temp got to 112 under the lamp, but the little bugger was still moving inside. At this point I asked the same friend if I could borrow one of her many bators. Picked it up yesterday and she brings out a Genesis 1588 for me to borrow. That one egg is in it and still going strong. Tomorrow evening is lockdown. After this chick hatches, hopefully, I will be setting a bunch of Blue and Buff Silkie eggs I have been collecting this week to hatch some stock and see what I get. Oh and BTW, Marsala laid her first egg yesterday. I know it was hers because the former broody laid the day before and is a consistent every other day layer. And this egg was a little smaller and had some blood streaks. Checked Marsala's vent and it could have an egg pass through it now. Yay, finally at 8.25mo. The only pullet I have yet to start is the light Blue from the Catdance eggs, we named her Smokey, since she looks like smoke. She is only 4.5mo though and still in the juvie pen.

I bet that egg is a boy. Boys can take the heat....

Hooray on egg from Marsala! I think it might be a bit or a wait for the other girl..
Hey y'all. So I had three Silkie eggs under a broody Silkie. She decided after 13 days she was done sitting. So I of course wanted to see if she would go back into a broody state. She had abandoned the nest for about 6 hrs when I discovered she was done. Sought the advice of a trusted friend and set up a small container tub with my red brooder lamp and put the eggs under it. At the end of the day I candled and discovered two looked like they quit but one was still red in the veining. So I left all three overnight. Went out and adjusted the lamp height the next morning so not so hot, was 105 under the lamp. Left the eggs all day and candles that evening. Two eggs were obvious quiters, all black veins. But one was still alive, and I saw movement. Tossed the quiters and left the live egg in the tub. The next day was real hot and temp got to 112 under the lamp, but the little bugger was still moving inside. At this point I asked the same friend if I could borrow one of her many bators. Picked it up yesterday and she brings out a Genesis 1588 for me to borrow. That one egg is in it and still going strong. Tomorrow evening is lockdown. After this chick hatches, hopefully, I will be setting a bunch of Blue and Buff Silkie eggs I have been collecting this week to hatch some stock and see what I get. Oh and BTW, Marsala laid her first egg yesterday. I know it was hers because the former broody laid the day before and is a consistent every other day layer. And this egg was a little smaller and had some blood streaks. Checked Marsala's vent and it could have an egg pass through it now. Yay, finally at 8.25mo. The only pullet I have yet to start is the light Blue from the Catdance eggs, we named her Smokey, since she looks like smoke. She is only 4.5mo though and still in the juvie pen.

Wow 112! And still going that's amazing. Keeps us posted.

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