Silkie thread!

Here is a pic of some Catdance silkies that just hatched that I am using to mother my Chinese Painted Button Quail that just hatched

OMGosh!! This is so cute!! Those buttons are soooo tiny!! They are like little baby mice! hehe!
Try using mulch (not the dyed red or black stuff though) or fresh woodchips from a tree service or something for run floors. Coops/houses I use a tad of sand to deter mites and then shavings and pine needles for the bedding.
Why the pine needles in the bedding??

And because we love it, our Silkie/Frizzle Cochin cross. It is 9 weeks today also. If you have any ideas of what its gender might be let me know. I am not sure what to look for waiting for an egg or a crow.

I want one of those!
Thank you both so much. Yesterday, when I was kinda brushing the cheek feathers away, I even noticed that there was part of the feathers in the lower eyelid, they came our wet with a little junk on them. I am going to cut them back tonight. I feel bad because Einstein was so outgoing, getting into everything. Now, it almost seems like she is in shock, just kinda standing around until I move her! Its not killing her or anything, but she seems more timid all of a sudden. I think I am going to trim them away this evening and cut the darn talons on her toes too! She's a mess!! I think she will be very excited to see. I don't think I would ever show, just too much stress in showing Clydesdale maybe soured me a little! But thank you again for great advice!

If you are going to show them you can keep the feathers slicked down or up depending on where you want them to go with unflavored gelatin or a quality hair setting gel. I have not tried it but understand it works well and washes right out. I had a lavender chick hatch out yesterday that needs a trim already!
I thought you showed. Sorry. And I have heard about plucking...ouch. I have tried plucking around the eyes/beard and some even bled. I can't imagine pulling a foot/wing feather!!
most pluck or will trim very lightly - some judges are really cracking down on birds with big crests and say the birds absolutely should be able to see forward, and will dock points if they feel the birds' vision is too obstructed by lack of grooming.

Many from my understanding put their birds in show cages about 6-8 weeks before show season and pluck out damaged feathers to get them to grow back (feet, wings) some folks even try to force a molt way ahead of show season, but I don't know of any silkie people who do that though.

for more indepth info on show conditioning you'll have to ask someone with actual experience in the showing department.

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