Silkie thread!

Thank you very much

must get it from their Daddy


Though their moms have nice feathering on their feet as well

They certainly do! Lovely group!!
Porblem is that I don't seem to have the tab to click on.

Not here

But then if I go on one of these pages
I get the tab there, but you can't post a wanted topic there.

Am I missing something? I am a blonde after all!
At the 8 weeks and older, click on the "create a new classied" tab and the first thing you select when the new page comes up is a "Type" menu. When you click on that there are different types of ads you can sellect and the last one is "wanted". Hope this helps!!
ok...I see everyones BEAUTIFUL sillkies...and just NOT cute or pretty IMO...

He/She (leaning towards He) looks like a vulture...I SO wanted a pretty silkie and was SO excited to get ONE..
hubby said ONE...and of course it turns out to be a roo..and ugly IMO...sigh..anyone wanna trade???


Don't give up on him yet! I have a non-bearded white boy and it seemed he blossomed overnight!

Here he is at about 4 months

Here he is at about 5 1/2 months old.


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