

Nov 13, 2020
Upstate New York
This is Lil Chi. (S)he is a six week old silkie. But (s)he doesn’t look like the other silkies I hatched. (S)he hatched from what was supposed to be silkie eggs. We have been calling her a her but because of that large red comb I’m thinking her is a he. Is it too early to tell sex and why does she look so different? She’s squatting because the babies had to get a bath and were being blow dried.
Six weeks. I asked the seller and I guess he’s a barred rock bantam frizzle Cochin. 🤦‍♀️
So I have no idea what breed that is or what that means. And what would happen if I bred him with my silkies.
Cochin is his breed. Bantam is his size. Barred (no Rock, that would mean he is a Plymouth Rock, which is a different breed and doesn't have feathered feet) is his coloring, and frizzled is his feather type.
Could he be both a Cochin and a barred rock? The store I bought his egg from sells both types of eggs. And are all frizzled chickens feathers soft? His kinda look like the silkies I have. That’s why I was so confused.
He could be a cochin x barred rock. But he can be a barred cochin too.
Barred is the variety. You could have a barred EE or a barred Cochin or a barred Rock. Cochin, Rock (Plymouth Rock is the full name) and EE* are the breed. Yes, frizzles are soft. I have a Black bantam frizzled cochin cockerel, named Kramer, and he is the SOFTEST ever. I love him.

The main difference that I have seen between the frizzles and the silkies is this.
Frizzle feathers are "full" but twisted. Silkie feathers lack the "spread out" factor that normal chicken feathers have.

*EE's aren't technically a "breed" but that's a whole 'nother thing XD
I was worried she was a he. But the other chicks that are in with Lil Chi are from the same breeder. I ordered them online and the eggs were sold as silkies. Got three that look like typical silkies and then him. 🤔
I don’t care that he isn’t a silkie or looks different. But the feathers are soft like a silkie. If he was just a frizzle would they still be soft?
He totally is super cute and a keeper.
Cute little silkie cross cockerel! If mom was a silkie and dad was a standard, then the yellow legs make sense.
I just went back to the sellers shop, I bought the eggs off Etsy, and they also sell barred rock and Cochin eggs. So I’m thinking your probably right. They have a picture of a brown frizzle that looks just like my Lil Chi. I asked the seller anyway and sent pictures. So weird that I got pure silkies from some and then a cross though. Or does that happen?
There are bantam barred rocks, that would make sense as the cross, he really doesn't look like he has any other silkie traits. Are the feathers really silkie feathers? They don't look like my silkie feathered frizzle.
They might not be. They’re just really soft. He might just be a frizzle. I’m new to chickens so all of this is new to me. I just thought only the silkies could be soft because of the structure, or lack of(?), in their feathers. I’ll have to check the difference tomorrow. Get a good close up.
I think it depends on what your other birds are like. I have a few bantams in with my standard sized but, I know a lot of people who have trouble doing that.
I figure I’ll try it by introducing them slowly when they’re ready. Keeping them in a separate coop but within viewing range of my current flock. It worked with my olive eggers so I’m hoping I can have success with these guys. But I also have a catio that isn’t being used that I can use for them.

Frizzled feathers being petted from head to tail.
View attachment 2421864

Your boy looks like a bantam Cochin cross. I do not see Silkie in him at all. If he were pure Cochin, you would not see all those toes.
I love that video. It looks just like when I pet him. Not the silkie boy I thought he was but still super special.

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