Silkied Ameraucana Project

Hey guys
Almost Feb1st yippee we are getting closer to Springtime!

I have about 10 nice Silkied Lavender girls and 2 nice Silkied lavender boys that I will be getting into a breeding pen soon. This year will be only Lavender x Lavender no Black
can't wait.

So far I have been super happy with my Silkied Lavender Ameraucana line and of course a few things to work on.

Some of the things that have popped up for me last generation:

1) Birds with no tail
I haven't had many but I got a couple. This is very strange since all stock used has been really great lines and of course all birds have tails. Must be original Araucana genes popping up.

2) Yellow skin gene. Every once in a while I get a green leg bird
This is something I believe came from the original pair as I know a few of us are dealing with this. I only got a couple of them last year but those pesky recessive genes are floating around.

My last generation had nice tight combs which I am super happy about since very early in the project combs were ridiculous. Once mature the roos have great combs but this has also made it a little harder to sex them when younger. I had a few that kept me guessing until the very last minute.

Egg color is improving and I have some that are laying a very nice blue
Hi! I'm trying to find some breeder that will sell me a hatching eggs of beauty, mean while I have a question for you all,

How do they do in extreme weather? Do they like hot or cold?
Whatelse do they need extra attention of?

Thank You :)
Hi! I'm trying to find some breeder that will sell me a hatching eggs of beauty, mean while I have a question for you all,

How do they do in extreme weather? Do they like hot or cold?
Whatelse do they need extra attention of?

Thank You

I breed Lavender Silkied Ameraucana and sell eggs if your interested in that color. I have a waiting list but I'm starting early this year so I will have availability. This is my ad it needs to be updated as I am only doing Lavender birds this year (no black). As soon as I get everyone situated in a breeding pen I will update with pics.

Now for your questions- My flock does great in NY weather which can get pretty darn cold. I haven't lost any in the cold but I also have a large flock of them and they tend to sleep huddled up together in the coop to keep warm. They can't fly to high perches so they just sleep in a pile on the floor. In nice weather they sleep in the run which has very low perches so they will perch and sleep separate then.

Last summer I lost one in the heat but I have also lost normal feathered birds in the heat as well. Chickens are much more stressed from heat than cold so just make sure to give them plenty of shade and cool water and they will do fine.

Being Ameraucana they are smart and do great hiding from predators I have not lost any to predators and mine free range often. They are all housed (outside of breeding) with all my other breeds of chickens and they do just fine with no special attention.

Hope that helps!
Hello :)   I breed Lavender Silkied Ameraucana and sell eggs if your interested in that color. I have a waiting list but I'm starting early this year so I will have availability.  This is my ad it needs to be updated as I am only doing Lavender birds this year (no black).  As soon as I get everyone situated in a breeding pen I will update with pics.

Now for your questions- My flock does great in NY weather which can get pretty darn cold. I haven't lost any in the cold but I also have a large flock of them and they tend to sleep huddled up together in the coop to keep warm. They can't fly to high perches so they just sleep in a pile on the floor. In nice weather they sleep in the run which has very low perches so they will perch and sleep separate then.

Last summer I lost one in the heat but I have also lost normal feathered birds in the heat as well. Chickens are much more stressed from heat than cold so just make sure to give them plenty of shade and cool water and they will do fine.

Being Ameraucana they are smart and do great hiding from predators I have not lost any to predators and mine free range often. They are all housed (outside of breeding) with all my other breeds of chickens and they do just fine with no special attention.

Hope that helps!

Thank You for the info, very helpful and I'd love to order eggs from you :)
My flock of silkied AMs. I have at least 4 laying now. 5 more yet to start laying. I am hatching chicks. I have a blue roo and a splash roo. Over splash, one blue, and one black. Will soon separate them into 2 pens.
Nice, still keeping an eye on this project. Would love to help.If anyone gets extra eggs I would be more than willing to help. even if I can only get splits. Mind you I would love to get someones spare roo.

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