Silkies from Garry Farm "BARGAIN" ?

They are beautiful! So much fluff! They are going to be gorgeous! They grow so fast week olds are already getting their wing feathers. I am trying to figureout where to put them as they have outgrown their brooder box. I need one of these refrigerator boxes LOL! Hopefully I can come up with something tomorrow as they need more space to run

Great job on the feet! they get used to it fast and will probably correct it in 2 or 3 days.

Thank you and I am already worrying a little to now about what exactly I want to do for the next brooder. I have a kiddie pool, but just wondering what I have laying around to put on top of it so they can't get out. I have a few flapping there little wings already. You could always call around to places like lowes and walmart to see if they could have one to give you!
All the chicks are doing ok,, the little white silkie is now in the brooder with the others and has no problem pecking back the others or hobbling towards them when he's had enough lol I'm still keeping a close eye though! I can't wait here in a few weeks to get them outside for the first time, I want to see there reactions lol
Thank you for all the help and support I truly appreciate it! I already made a splint for the silkie chick and s.o held him while I put the splint on to spread out the feet properly. Thanks for those links I will take a look I definitely spent some time researching around and he is already actually able to stand and walk more upright with better balance yay! I have seen no signs yet of him not going to make it very active and very sweet
his feathers are very slowly starting to fluff.

I agree these Rhode Island chicks are little monsters lol not all of them but a few are so nosey and go wild easily. The silkies can be the same sometimes but it's more gentle and they lose interest of things they test out more quickly.

I put a wash cloth in with the little silkie so he won't be so alone. I would love to introduce him permanently to the others ASAP so it won't be any rougher on him. He got a dose of vitamins in the incubator lol I wasn't going to waste any time and has vitamins in his water.

Here are a few pics of the silkies ... I got them out tonight..

White silkie..

And a couple of the little white silkie...
trying to fluff up, tomorrow I will go over his back with a warm damp paper towel to loosen some more up.

You have MOST beautiful babies. And please please don't beat yourself up about opening the incubator. I know how hard that is. And don't give up on hatching eggs either, you have beautiful babies and have learned a great deal on hatching and what beautiful beautiful friends have helped you on this post. Those babies have a most loving home and that is What Granny Nanny likes the most!!!! Be happy and enjoy them!!!!
Finally the baby pictures!!!!!!!!! Now I can go back and really study them all. Grinning from ear to ear and blowing kisses in your direction!!!! Congratulations Mother!
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Nancy, I am so touched and blessed by your kind words to us ! I love my Garry babies! They are so adorable and sweet! I think they get it from you !
Kelly I hope today was a great day just enjoying all your beautiful little ones and relaxing that the hatch is over and you can focus on the new life! True Easter chicks! I was gone all day to watch my husband practice for Easter Celebration service tomorrow! He is a drummer. It was a beautiful day to be outside, and the stadium our service will be at faces the ocean. It was truly wonderful! I am so looking forward to tomorrow and all that it means! You all have a blessed Easter!
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Happy Easter!!!

You have MOST beautiful babies. And please please don't beat yourself up about opening the incubator. I know how hard that is. And don't give up on hatching eggs either, you have beautiful babies and have learned a great deal on hatching and what beautiful beautiful friends have helped you on this post. Those babies have a most loving home and that is What Granny Nanny likes the most!!!! Be happy and enjoy them!!!!
Finally the baby pictures!!!!!!!!! Now I can go back and really study them all. Grinning from ear to ear and blowing kisses in your direction!!!! Congratulations Mother!

Thank you Nancy :) You are always full of encouraging words. I truly love my Babies from you and have a special soft spot for my teeny little white silkie who is still trying to fight off the other meanies lol I love when I pick them up they don't fight, they just allow me to take them anywhere and the little teeny one will even click his beak when I pet him, I hold him against my chest and just rub into his feathers on the back of his neck and he will just close his eyes and click his beak. I have learned through keeping parrots and other birds that this is a sign of contentment, so I'm figuring that same noise is true for chickens.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to have them and I know I will be calling on you again for some more eggs in the future whether it be silkies or another breed.

Hope you have a Happy & Blessed Easter!

Nancy, I am so touched and blessed by your kind words to us ! I love my Garry babies! They are so adorable and sweet! I think they get it from you !
Kelly I hope today was a great day just enjoying all your beautiful little ones and relaxing that the hatch is over and you can focus on the new life! True Easter chicks! I was gone all day to watch my husband practice for Easter Celebration service tomorrow! He is a drummer. It was a beautiful day to be outside, and the stadium our service will be at faces the ocean. It was truly wonderful! I am so looking forward to tomorrow and all that it means! You all have a blessed Easter!

lol You may be right & you too!
And that sounds just lovely, I hope you guys have a great time and a wonderful service !!!

----On a side note, Me, David and Noah went out to David's bosses house yesterday, he planned to buy two dozen eggs off from his boss (to eat). Well, when we got there he said Kelly want's to see your chickens, and I did. We went out back and I was enamored to see the most beautiful and HUGE rooster I have ever seen in my entire life. I was later told with pictures posted here on BYC it was a RIR roo, there was also white leghorn, rir, buff orpington, barred rock, red sex link hens etc.,. and another Buff Orpington Roo in there with them. So of course when I got home I cracked one open and sure enough there was the bulls eye. I decided I wasn't going to let this FREE opportunity slip by me and after my well cleaned incubator stabilizes they are going in this morning. I've decided I'm going to be very hands off, only opening to candle on my 7th, 14th and 18th day and this time I will draw the air cells progress and mark where they SHOULD pip, I thin it's sally who I see do this and it really is a good idea about how to place your eggs per air cell placement. Wish me Luck! I will keep posting pics here as my Garry babies grow up :)

I did just open a thread up for anyone who may be egg setting on Easter day or recent to that if you are interested.
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Happy Easter!!!

Thank you Nancy :) You are always full of encouraging words. I truly love my Babies from you and have a special soft spot for my teeny little white silkie who is still trying to fight off the other meanies lol I love when I pick them up they don't fight, they just allow me to take them anywhere and the little teeny one will even click his beak when I pet him, I hold him against my chest and just rub into his feathers on the back of his neck and he will just close his eyes and click his beak. I have learned through keeping parrots and other birds that this is a sign of contentment, so I'm figuring that same noise is true for chickens.

Thank you so much for the opportunity to have them and I know I will be calling on you again for some more eggs in the future whether it be silkies or another breed.

Hope you have a Happy & Blessed Easter!

lol You may be right & you too!
And that sounds just lovely, I hope you guys have a great time and a wonderful service !!!

----On a side note, Me, David and Noah went out to David's bosses house yesterday, he planned to buy two dozen eggs off from his boss (to eat). Well, when we got there he said Kelly want's to see your chickens, and I did. We went out back and I was enamored to see the most beautiful and HUGE rooster I have ever seen in my entire life. I was later told with pictures posted here on BYC it was a RIR roo, there was also white leghorn, rir, buff orpington, barred rock, red sex link hens etc.,. and another Buff Orpington Roo in there with them. So of course when I got home I cracked one open and sure enough there was the bulls eye. I decided I wasn't going to let this FREE opportunity slip by me and after my well cleaned incubator stabilizes they are going in this morning. I've decided I'm going to be very hands off, only opening to candle on my 7th, 14th and 18th day and this time I will draw the air cells progress and mark where they SHOULD pip, I thin it's sally who I see do this and it really is a good idea about how to place your eggs per air cell placement. Wish me Luck! I will keep posting pics here as my Garry babies grow up :)

I did just open a thread up for anyone who may be egg setting on Easter day or recent to that if you are interested.
That's awesome! You will find hatching local chicks usually give a great hatch rate too! congrats on scoring your Easter Eggs!! On my way to service.....last year there were 8000 people there! It is so awesome!! I love my church! Have a wonderful day!
That's awesome! You will find hatching local chicks usually give a great hatch rate too! congrats on scoring your Easter Eggs!! On my way to service.....last year there were 8000 people there! It is so awesome!! I love my church! Have a wonderful day!
I hope so! :) I'm on day 2 with them, can't wait for day 7 to candle them and see if anything is going on.
And that's Awesome! I hope it was a fun time!
How is everyone doing? Did the little silkie baby get it's foot straightened out? My husband and I are working on a new silkie coop and run as I did not plan on having so many
and need to make the area bigger! My Garry silkies get cuter and fuzzier every day! My newly hatched Catdance babies have totally outgrown their brooder and I am hoping we can get the new coop/run done tomorrow so I can get a bigger brooder set up for them out there! My husband is being a good sport about it all!

Hope you new eggs are growing nicely!

How is everyone doing?  Did the little silkie baby get it's foot straightened out?  My husband and I are working on a new silkie coop and run as I did not plan on having so many :eek: and need to make the area bigger!   My Garry silkies get cuter and fuzzier every day!  My newly hatched Catdance babies  have totally outgrown their brooder and I am hoping we can get the new coop/run done tomorrow so I can get a bigger brooder set up for them out there!  My husband is being a good sport about it all! 

Hope you new eggs are growing nicely!


A new coop sounds great!! I think we are going to need one for my silkies, these Rirs are crazy! I'm glad to hear your Garry and cat dance babies are doing good. Have you ever figured out a way to sex them? I've read so many different ways and beyond a vent sexing I suppose nothing is definite.

Unfortunately I came Home from work yesterday to find my little silkie dead :( I honestly think something was wrong with him/her. He/she always seemed off, even his chirp was different from all the others and he/she would stare off into space, I just could never quite put my finger on the big difference from The others. Honestly I'm a little relieved he/she passed, I truly believe that this baby was in pain and wasn't growing like he/she should either. I'm glad he/she is now at peace, but even David was sad of her passing and he takes the whole life-death of animals easily since he was raised on a farm.

And my eggs, I am 99% sure they are all duds, I did a check today it's several
Hours over day 3 and none are showing any signs of developing and have rolling yolks... I'm pretty sure they need to be tossed. The white ones are just completely clear.
It's ok though, I'm looking at other breeds and I will try again soon :) or if I could find a good breeder who may send chicks I might be in business. Sally is tempting me to wait for some 'black better' Cochin eggs but I'm still looking around. The Rirs were bought simply for David, he wanted them because he knew they were good layers. But I'd love a pretty egg basket and some different colored pretty chickens in my flock but we will see. I am wanting more silkies I so wanted some
Whites and blacks the most and would also love a partridge and blue oh and a splash LOL! One of each color at least ;) I have 3 buff and one white PRAYING my white is a hen! I love her poofy head :)
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A new coop sounds great!! I think we are going to need one for my silkies, these Rirs are crazy! I'm glad to hear your Garry and cat dance babies are doing good. Have you ever figured out a way to sex them? I've read so many different ways and beyond a vent sexing I suppose nothing is definite.

Unfortunately I came Home from work yesterday to find my little silkie dead
I honestly think something was wrong with him/her. He/she always seemed off, even his chirp was different from all the others and he/she would stare off into space, I just could never quite put my finger on the big difference from The others. Honestly I'm a little relieved he/she passed, I truly believe that this baby was in pain and wasn't growing like he/she should either. I'm glad he/she is now at peace, but even David was sad of her passing and he takes the whole life-death of animals easily since he was raised on a farm.

And my eggs, I am 99% sure they are all duds, I did a check today it's several
Hours over day 3 and none are showing any signs of developing and have rolling yolks... I'm pretty sure they need to be tossed. The white ones are just completely clear.
It's ok though, I'm looking at other breeds and I will try again soon
or if I could find a good breeder who may send chicks I might be in business. Sally is tempting me to wait for some 'black better' Cochin eggs but I'm still looking around. The Rirs were bought simply for David, he wanted them because he knew they were good layers. But I'd love a pretty egg basket and some different colored pretty chickens in my flock but we will see. I am wanting more silkies I so wanted some
Whites and blacks the most and would also love a partridge and blue oh and a splash LOL! One of each color at least
I have 3 buff and one white PRAYING my white is a hen! I love her poofy head

So sorry to hear about your little silkie! I had a chick like that - started with foot problems,then wierd head shaking, etc. I spent hours with it, and felt bad the others were neglected. I understand feeling relief - I felt the same way!

I have a white layer, of course many brown, an olive color layer, and several with a blue/green egg. I would LOVE a maran for chocolate color and maybe some wheatens for bright blue - but I need to take a break! I do have a limit on area for chickens !

It's beautiful here today, planted my seedlings into the garden, and sat out with my hens for awhile. My original 5 who are now 4 years old come sit on my lap or next to me. It is so great! They don't want me to pet them - they will jump off - they just want to be near me. Honestly, I never dreamed chickens could be so fun!

Sorry about the dud eggs - maybe give it another day or two! I just read somewhere today that it can take a week for something to really show up.

I haven't really looked at sexing the Silkies other than I know it is hard to tell. I figured when they are older I will post pics on the silkie thread for help. One of the whites is definately bigger than the others - so makes me think roo - but who knows. The other breeds I have I can usually tell by a month old. The RIR's comb on roo's gets big very fast! The girls have big combs too - but not like the boys! The EE's have very distinctive feather coloring that makes them pretty easy!!
So sorry to hear about your little silkie! I had a chick like that - started with foot problems,then wierd head shaking, etc. I spent hours with it, and felt bad the others were neglected. I understand feeling relief - I felt the same way!

I have a white layer, of course many brown, an olive color layer, and several with a blue/green egg. I would LOVE a maran for chocolate color and maybe some wheatens for bright blue - but I need to take a break! I do have a limit on area for chickens !

It's beautiful here today, planted my seedlings into the garden, and sat out with my hens for awhile. My original 5 who are now 4 years old come sit on my lap or next to me. It is so great! They don't want me to pet them - they will jump off - they just want to be near me. Honestly, I never dreamed chickens could be so fun!

Sorry about the dud eggs - maybe give it another day or two! I just read somewhere today that it can take a week for something to really show up.

I haven't really looked at sexing the Silkies other than I know it is hard to tell. I figured when they are older I will post pics on the silkie thread for help. One of the whites is definately bigger than the others - so makes me think roo - but who knows. The other breeds I have I can usually tell by a month old. The RIR's comb on roo's gets big very fast! The girls have big combs too - but not like the boys! The EE's have very distinctive feather coloring that makes them pretty easy!!

I was looking at the beautiful chocolate Marans eggs, I had came upon a thread about a person who was upset because there Craigs list bought Marans didn't lay those chocolate eggs but cream colored ones. I guess you have to be careful where you get your Marans. I bet you have a beautiful egg basket!
Your chickens sound lovely, I would be happy with that, although I hope I have one or two who love to be held and petted :)

I plan to give the eggs until day 7, I will candle and make a decision then, SOMETHING should be showing up by then. I don't want to run the incubator if it doesn't have to be ran though, I hope it will last me for some time.
I am thinking about trying to order some eggs from nancy again, or catdance and hat trick has some nice silkies but I haven't contacted them yet to see if they even sell/ship there chicks or hatching eggs. I would love a wide variety of colors :) I really havent decided yet on what I will go for next lol! I may just wait until these are old enough to sex and make sure I will have room, if all were hens in my brooder I have room to house each and every one of them :D and gladly would, but I know they are not so I do have some room and plan to expand to have room for 20-30 chickens this summer as well.

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