Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

Trying to get a head-count on silkie lovers...

  • ME! - I like silkies!

    Votes: 795 96.0%
  • ^

    Votes: 96 11.6%

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Awesome coop, porch and run :thumbsup :thumbsup :thumbsup
For how many silkies did you plan/build everything?

I originally built the coop for somewhere between 4 - 8 Silkies. The coop itself is around 6' x 7' inside plus a 3' covered porch. The run is 10' x 16'.

I currently have 9 Silkies but I'm sure a couple of them are probably roosters. I'll have to pick one to keep and rehome the others so I should be able to stay in my planned range. Going to be hard to pick a roo though because I'm attached to all of them.
Would love to see new photos of your little guys.❤️
How are Maku and Poupette doing? How are they feathering out?😊
Here are some new pictures of little flock and especially Maku and Poupette:
RIMG1343 (2).JPG






I originally built the coop for somewhere between 4 - 8 Silkies. The coop itself is around 6' x 7' inside plus a 3' covered porch. The run is 10' x 16'.

I currently have 9 Silkies but I'm sure a couple of them are probably roosters. I'll have to pick one to keep and rehome the others so I should be able to stay in my planned range. Going to be hard to pick a roo though because I'm attached to all of them.
Thank you!
...I love that you added a porch to your coop.

Yeah that will not be easy to choose :hugs

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