Silkies - They’re simply SPECTACULAR!

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    Votes: 797 96.0%
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    Votes: 97 11.7%

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Down to day 1 on the incubating eggs and we have a pip! First time hatching eggs from King Arthur and Lancelot. Last eggs from Cheyenne and her full sister Steelie Meister who passed last month (a week apart). Poof Poof is sitting on 6 eggs from them too, while Sioux is sitting on her and someone's eggs in Lancelot's pen. I suspected Blue Bonnet of getting broody so while she was out eating, sorted the eggs into 2 piles in adjoining buckets, and sure enough Blue Bell is being a monkey see, monkey do (both silkie girls). I'm gonna have silkie, satins, F1 and F2's running out my ears soon!
We kept one blue silkie chick and I think there’s still at least one black bopping around the brooder as well. Little bean snuggled in my hoodie for about an hour while I was knitting 😍 Such a dear little one! It’s going to be a roo, I just know it


We cuddled a handful of them before sending 3 off to a new home down the block


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