Silkies: Yay or Nay?

You have a gold partridge and a silver partridge there.

Eta they also look like they've got scaly leg mites. Bane of my silkie rooster's life those burrowing little buggers.
Oh my, you are probably right about the mites. I have them pretty much resolved in my main run, except one hen who our vet says i may have to resort to the ‘gasoline dip’ with. The poor Roos have been relegated to their own run and I need to get them their own dust bath area set up and treat their coop. I’m on it - THANKS for the heads up.
Still not the worst vet advice I've seen here. Goodness they can be scary sometimes.
So after tackling the mites for several months, the legs on my other eight hens are looking pretty pristine. My vet thought the case of this one hen might be beyond ivermectin, but I should probably give it a try. He did think she was a pretty healthy hen otherwise and should eventually recover well. 🤷🏻‍♀️ He seemed concerned though, that it would be good to get quick results at this point. She’s not feather footed, which seems to me should be slightly easier to treat?

I‘m going to have to do a major coop/run deep clean this weekend ... 😬

I do appreciate everyone’s constructive thoughts ❤️
I read about the gasoline dip method. It's very old school. I think the theory behind it is smothering the mites, and there are plenty better options out there with sticky oils such as coconut oil, or vaseline. Even butter would do the job! And be less toxic.

If the gasoline actually kills them on contact, then again there are better options such as DE or permethrin, which is just household flea spray or powder.
Forgot to say, glad you are on it, OP. I have battled them for a while and they seem to really like one chicken out of my whole flock best, which is my silkie rooster. I need to be more consistent with my anti mite onslaught.
I read about the gasoline dip method. It's very old school. I think the theory behind it is smothering the mites, and there are plenty better options out there with sticky oils such as coconut oil, or vaseline. Even butter would do the job! And be less toxic.

If the gasoline actually kills them on contact, then again there are better options such as DE or permethrin, which is just household flea spray or powder.
Yes, I’ve been reading lots more. I went out and got permethrin today. There is also a guide to treating mites from Kansas State University that recommends a linseed oil treatment for scaly leg mites. I was looking at her legs today and one actually finally appears to be improving just from the diatomaceous earth bath I’ve set up in their run, which was my vets original advice several months ago and seemed to have worked quite well for my other hens. It takes a long time to see the results, but it seems quite effective and treats lice infestations as well. I was quite surprised that he recommended the gasoline, but I got the feeling he’s had a lot of other clients at their wits end after trying all the other methods.

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