Silly swimming chickens...I mean "ducks"....I mean chickens!!

I just found this thread, my chickens are swimmers too. I have a stream and when it floods they go in and paddle about. Rooster do t though. Because there feathers are more defence than water resistant they get sodden quickly. My frizzle hates it and when the hens go in an eat the floating grass he just can't understand. One day he tyres to jump across but it was very wide that day as just had a storm so he landed in it, panicked and suddenly started thrashing, then my welsummer walked over and h realized that he could just touch the bottom. My welsummer and Wyandottes are the best swimmers.

Thanks for sharing!
Boy, I thought I was a little strange by "hypnotizing" my chickens to rest on their backs.
The swimming chicken pics are cracking me up. I haven't had any interested *yet* in taking a dip.

My SLW and GLW absolutely LOVE the hose on hot days. I accidentally discovered this when I was cleaning out the coop and they were in the way so I tried to shoo them out with the hose. They leaned into it, blinking and shaking their heads, and really enjoyed it! I now spray through the fence so it's not too strong a stream.

My SLW and GLW absolutely LOVE the hose on hot days. I accidentally discovered this when I was cleaning out the coop and they were in the way so I tried to shoo them out with the hose. They leaned into it, blinking and shaking their heads, and really enjoyed it! I now spray through the fence so it's not too strong a stream.
HA HA,That's funny
That is really cool! Cute chickens. Since chickens can actually swim, I wonder why we have had such problems with them drowning in the trough?

Probably because if they get cold, they flip so their head is under water, and are unable to flip right side up. Had this happen with a serama roo. Result: sneezing, coughing, miserable rooster. I never let him swim again unless it was a heated pool/tub.

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