Silly swimming chickens...I mean "ducks"....I mean chickens!!

Keltara, after finally catching my dominant hen and put her in the kiddie pool OMG she didn't want anything to do with it. Wings flapping bawking, I got more wet than she did. I felt bad so I put some apple bits out for the girls and all I got was the stink eye and they all ran off bawking and carrying on. Left me standing there soaking wet.
Oh well, not going to give up.
Patty...Laughing my butt off!
That is hilarious!!!

Well here's how I did it. I would hold them so that their wings were pinned. That way they were unable to flap them. Get a really good grip and then slowly lower her in. Keep the firm hold and let her feel the water on her belly. After a min. or so, take her out and let her down. She'll be mad for sure. Do it again once each day. It only took my girls about 3 tries, but they have really laid back personalities. Even now though, sometimes mine will flap their wings in disgust, but mostly, they really enjoy the pool. Just be patient and keep your focus on the dominant hen. I'm glad your not giving up! Keep updating me! My girls and I were all laughing at your post!

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Thanks Jill. Where in MI do you live?

I'm just north of Grand Rapids on the other side of the state from you. I showed my husband the swimming chicken pics and he got a kick out of them

I was just thinking that chicken swimming lessons would make an interesting video.
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scratch'n'peck :

Thanks Jill. Where in MI do you live?

I'm just north of Grand Rapids on the other side of the state from you. I showed my husband the swimming chicken pics and he got a kick out of them

I was just thinking that chicken swimming lessons would make an interesting video.​

We were just on the west side of MI last weekend. We took the kids to Michigan Adventure Park. We had GREAT weather and tons of fun! When we were driving through Grand Rapids, the expressway was closed off (from Roderick Dantzler who killed 7 people that day). We were sent on a detour which led us to the intersection where the house was, that he was holding hostages in a stand off!! The house was all taped off, police were everywhere, and the street was blocked off as we were trying to figure out our way back to the expressway. We knew something terrible must have happened, but did not find out the details until we finally made it to the hotel and flipped on the news. We were shocked to find out that we were there when everything was actually going down! I'm so glad that that monster killed himself. He even killed his own daughter. What kind of evil is that!

On a lighter note, my girls and I went to your BYC page. The pictures were AWESOME!! My children were amazed that you had swans. How fun.

Have a great day!

That's strange that they detoured cars right past the site where the stand off was taking place - quite a story.

Tell the girls that although swans are pretty, they are not nearly as friendly as Buff Orpingtons. I would rather take a dip with a BO or three, so they are very lucky to have ones who like the pool.
Love your pictures! We just got a pool so maybe I'll try to get my girls in it with us. Hoot runs from the hose though so I'm not sure how close she'll get to the pool, but we'll see! If I'm in there I might be able to convince her. I think it'd be so fun to swim with them!
scratch'n'peck :


That's strange that they detoured cars right past the site where the stand off was taking place - quite a story.

Tell the girls that although swans are pretty, they are not nearly as friendly as Buff Orpingtons. I would rather take a dip with a BO or three, so they are very lucky to have ones who like the pool.

Actually Jill, they weren't detouring everyone. When we were exiting the highway, we didn't know where to go so we stopped and asked a cop who was preventing cars from entering the expressway. He's the one who told us where to go and we were shocked as well!

I told the girlies what you said about your swans. I had wondered myself if they were friendly when hand raised. I know in the wild they are very aggressive.

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