Silver Ameraucanas

can anyone tell me if the one on the left is an Americano please I would really appreciate it she ca
me mixed in with some others.
I dont know what an americano is...americana is a made up name designed to confuse the uniformed buying public and ameraucana is a breed. Your chick looks like a cute mix - might be an Easter egger (mix) - they often have green legs - ameraucana never do
I just discovered my ameraucana hen is a silver. Even though she was purchased as a purebred she looked like a welsummer to me and lays beautiful green eggs so I thought she must be an EE. Thanks to you guys I know better. I have wanted to breed her because she is amazing. Rocking hot body, curious, confident, alpha female, excellent forager, healthy, friendly, and at seven years old this spring she is laying six large eggs a week. But I don't have a rooster.

I have two blue and one black ameraucana chicks, just a couple days old, and I'm hoping at least one is a rooster. Since silver is incompletely dominant and sex linked, what will happen if I breed a blue or a black rooster to my silver hen? The genetics stuff is new to me and a little intimidating.

I'll try to send a photo of her this week for your critique. I love the way she is built but I have no idea if it is correct for the breed.

Also, is it typical for silvers to lay green eggs? The "blue" ameraucana eggs I just hatched were only slightly bluer than her green eggs so she is not far off the mark.

I know she is very old for breeding and fertility will be low. What are your feelings on the risk of birth defects due to her age? Have you hatched from older hens?

Thanks for your help. I appreciate it. I am really hoping to keep her genes going before I lose her.


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