Silver-Laced Sebright crossed with Orpington?

Ok sorry they don't look white on my monitor , I should have said that instead.
you would know best. Its your chicken.
The experts I have consulted, Stormy, are academics, with Ph.Ds. who teach in universities, those who have studied the issues thoroughly and are well educated on the matters at hand.
That is a thought. It might be that there was a 3d rooster that got killed right about the time the eggs hatched, but I don't think so. I'm pretty sure there was a true White Leghorn rooster, because my Roo's brothers are very white, with just a hint of Rhode Island Red and Barred Rock coloring in their feathers, or a speckling of Buff Orpington coloration on the heads of the white females. Are White Rocks pretty common? The farmer seemed certain he has White Leghorns. I don't think he has too many breeds, but he might not really know what he has, since he's not a chicken expert.

I will ask the farmer whether a dead 3d rooster is a possibility, and if so, what his breed is. I think he would have mentioned it, though, because he really got into telling me how all 5 of his Sebright Hens had died, full details.
Thanks for the explanation, Sebright Savvy. Well, maybe my chicken's legs could be considered light yellow. I'll go check again, Stormy. People have identified them as willow as a chick and white now, but maybe their monitors aren't accurate. I'm not sure how white a chicken's legs have to be to be considered white? Can anyone tell me? My half red/half white leghorn roo sibling to this guy has bright yellow legs, but the half Barred Rock/half white Leghorn other roo sibling to him has what I would consider to be white legs. I posted photos of all of them earlier. His sister, who appears half red/half white leghorn also has bright yellow legs and beak, and his other sister, who appears to be half BO/half white leghorn has white legs. Would this all make sense? Yellow for a half Rhode Island Red and white for those that are half Barred Rock and half BO? (With White Leghorn father.)
Has anyone ever heard of Sebright roosters breeding with other LFs besides Australorps? If so, which LF breeds? I tried to find pictures of such, but I didn't come up with much, via a Google search.
These are white , I don't know what they will show up on you computer though.
Unos should show up better.
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