Silver Laced Wyandotte - Male or Female?


5 Years
Jan 24, 2014
We are *very* new to chickens, have had our 3 for only 4 weeks now.

We have one SL Wyandotte, approx 12 weeks old. 'She' was bought from a breeder who was sure she is a she. After seeing a friend's Wyandotte, who is a similar age, I'm not so sure Mrs Chicken is actually a Mrs!

'She' is such a beautiful natured chook. She is happy for my 2 year old to pet and cuddle her and is a fabulous surrogate to our 2x 7 week old Australorps. They follow her every move. She's very gentle and patient with them too.

I have been looking at photos online all night and Im still struggling to work out what 'she' is. Im leaning towards her being a 'roo' though.

I wonder if others may be able to offer their opinion on her sex?

This is her 4 weeks ago:

This is her today:

I can get more photos if I need to. Her 'comb' is a bit 'redder' in real life.

Thank you in advance for your time and advice. We are in an area where we are not allowed to keep roosters, so 'she'll' need to be re-homed if she's a Mr.

*Fingers crossed*
Thank you everyone :)!! I thought so, but being new to chooks, I wasn't ready to trust my suspicions! HE really is a beautiful chook!

Back to the breeder then (they are over an hour drive away), such a pity, my 2 year old will not be happy!

LilRedRoo - That would have been wonderful! What a pity you are SO very far away!

Here is a picture I use to show the difference between the sexes. The pullet is on the left-cockerel on the right. Do you have a full body side picture of the bird?

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