Silver laced Wyandotte-- pullet or cockerel?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 6, 2014
Atlanta, GA
Hi all, I posted here awhile ago and folks seemed to think my SLW, pickles, was a roo. I'm not convinced. He/she is about 13 weeks now. Any thoughts? What are the distinguishing features I should be looking for now? Thanks.

13 weeks:



6 weeks (comb had some convinced she's a he):


I'd say that's very true for many breeds but Wyandottes can fool you. Mine had bigger, redder comb and wattles at 6 weeks and it turned out to be a pullet.

At 13 weeks it's not showing any male feathering or the typical roo coloring. There is also lacing on the tail. Wyandotte roos do not get lacing on their tail feathers.
Based on the coloring I would guess pullet. The lacing is very even and all over. A roo would have big bands of white on the upper wings. I think I also see lacing on the tail which Roos don't get.
Based on the coloring I would guess pullet. The lacing is very even and all over. A roo would have big bands of white on the upper wings. I think I also see lacing on the tail which Roos don't get.

Thanks! I think she might be a pullet as well. I noticed today that her waddles have gotten a bit bigger (but still not remotely as big as the definite barred rock roo's) so I'm not feeling confident. Guess I'll just wait it out a bit longer and rehome if necessary.
@summerb123 Sorry, the top to photos are at 13 weeks, bottom two are 6 weeks. Sizing is hard to tell at 6 weeks, since I'm holding her, but she was pretty average size, though slightly larger than some of my other confirmed pullets. I agree the comb was pretty pink, which is not typical, but this my first SLW, so I wasn't sure...

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