Singing tips?

How would I hum through my nose? I want a strong foundation in my vocal chords before I actually sing words; so I def agree with this old-style teacher idea. Is there a good website that gives those tips? Or would it have to be a teacher?
A private teacher is always the best way to go. Professionals can be pricey, but you can find music education students that will offer lessons for less in order to gain the experience. While good information can be found online, singing is something that needs to be assessed through visual and aural cues. Chances are you wont know you are doing something wrong on your own until someone points it out.
WW, I will try to find you some sites tomorrow, and explain better.
you hum so it feels like it is right behind your front teeth...if that makes sense.
Not a great singer, but I still sing to myself for my own enjoyment. When someone comments on my lack of skill I respond thus:
My singing is kinda like the man who went into the house of ill repute and wasn't very well physically endowed. The madame said, "Who do you expect to please with that?" and he responded, "ME!" and that is exactly who I expect to please with my singing, ME!

Smile while you sing, it lifts your cheek bones and makes a bigger chamber of your face.

To hum through your nose, hum on the letter 'n'.
The "me-me-me" thing also helps direct the sound through your nose.

Stand (or sit) up straight, your abdomen should be held tight, and when you do staccato you abdomen should move and nothing else. Practice this by standing with one hand on your belly while you sing, you should feel your abdominal muscles working.

Practice inhaling, your belly should distend (most women hold their tummies in when they breath, this doesn't work for singing). Practice exhaling, let out your breath for 10 counts, 12, 15, ... keep lengthening the amount of time you are exhaling.

Move your mouth. Practice singing "oo-eee-ooo-eee-ooo-eee" one one note and exaggerate the movement of your lips with each vowel change.

Open your mouth. Either stand in front of a mirror, or lay one hand gently on the side of your face so you can feel what your mouth is doing.
Also loosen your face before you start. Blow air through your loose lips the make a bpbpbpbpbp sound.

Find a choir/chorale group that has some vocal lessons before practice. You'll get free lessons, make new friends, and learn some new music.

If you do go the private instructor route, find one that will let you share lessons with one or two people at your same level and split the cost.
I can't give much advice, but here's my two cents. I learned this at a Choir Conference class type thingie. This is going to sound really dumb, but when you are singing, pretend you are projecting the sound from your forehead {told it you it would sound dumb!
} . It helps you sing more clearly and loudly. I've tried it and it really works. Have fun!
I am in no position to give singing advice, but we play A LOT of Rockband around here, with up to three mics at a time, and I've found that it really helps just to get into the moment. I agree with the open your mouth thing, and the breathing technique.

If you really want a lot of practice, get Rockband and have fun with it! It's a blast.

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