Single chick


In the Brooder
Aug 22, 2023
OK, so long story short. I have a single chick that hatched under a heat lamp. It's 2 days old and everytime we put him back in the brooder he cheers SO LOUDLY and persistently. He has heat, food and water.... could this just be because he wants attention? Do baby chicks peep constantly?


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Loud cheeping also means they are cold. Have you measured the temp under your heat lamp? Does the chick know where to go to get warm?
You can entertain him by just hanging out with him until you get a buddy for him.

One time I had a chick with the worst pasty butt ever when I picked him up, he was a "bonus free chick" aka sick chick the seller wanted to get rid of. I had to separate him because he was bullied so hard that his whole backside and butt was bald. He was less stressed out if I would just hold him and hang out with him, they do need to socialize a little at that age. Your hand is probably enough to keep him company for now though until you get a buddy!
They cheep constantly, but it might actually be from overheating of some sorts. He needs space to run around outside of the heater, even if it's only a little far away.

You are right about space to move away from the heat, but to my knowledge overheating tends to make them lie down on their sides quietly as far away from the heat source as they can get and pant open mouthed, trying to cool down.

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