Sinus Congestion... What Do You Do?

Iowa Roo Mom

Resistance Is Futile
11 Years
Apr 30, 2009
Keokuk County
I've been fighting this sinus stuff for days, and short of drilling a hole into my skull directly below each eyeball, I got nothing left. I'm taking NyQuil at night along with two shots of Vicks nose spray, which allows me to sleep for a few hours anyway. The headache is quite bothersome, and the fatigue is really getting to me, and I'm becoming a very unpleasant person to be around.

Any suggestions? Anyone?
Neti Pot........really. Google it if you are not familiar with it. It is a small pot your pour saline water through your sinus cavities with, in one nostril and out the other. Sounds gross but it's a lifesaver. Also, I get the real Sudafed with phseudophedrine in it. It is now stored behind the pharmacy counter due to so many people making meth with it so you usually have to ask the pharmacist for it and in the state of WA, you have to also show your license and sign a paper to get it. Most cold medicine's have stoped using this as a decongestant and now have phenylephrine in them instead. I don't think that stuff works as well.

Good luck and feel better soon!
I'm sorry, but the mere thought of that Neti-pot made me gag. When I looked at the pictures...BLECK.

I'll stick with my Equate Allergy/Sinus medicine that knocks me out.
I've had some luck this last bout with what we call "the crud" using Zicam nasal spray. It's actually more like a spray-gel. Hope you feel better soon!
Try boiling water on the stove and hold a towel over your head and breathe the vapor. Adding some mentolatum works too, even if that is more for a cold. ALEVE severe cold and sinus is very good; so is a Chiropractor. They can manipulate something and it makes your allergies and sinus trouble just about go away.
Mullen it is a herb that you can buy or pick your self. You can drink it in a tea or inhale the smoke. I have had to have my sinus drained in a doctors office before and it is very painful,but since I have useing mullen all is well.

You can google it and check it out.
If you have a fever, or "green gunk" or no gunk at all because everything is too swollen for stuff to drain, you most likely have a sinus infection, which requires antibiotics. I would second the suggestion to go to the doctor. Sinus infections are hard to get rid of and the earlier you are seen, the better.

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