Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

no but my daughter does I will have to ask her
I brought Moe to him and made him see how bad it was. I am not sure he was worried about the chicken and I kind of think his puppy brought Baldie home so he already knew what it was capable of.
he did kinda look at me funny with my dead chicken held like a baby and tears and snot all over my face.
Not everyone understands common live stock as beloved pets.

This has been a trying year for me and I feel like I should be asked to leave such a happy chat but I get such good advice and comfort here.

First of all, we would NEVER ask you to leave!!! We wouldn't ditch you when you need us the most!!! We're totally here for you!!!!!!!!!
Otherwise, your neighbor: A lot of countries have a similar attitude toward chickens as Americans do toward spiders (useful until proven the pest).
And don't worry about how ppl look at you b/c of how you feel about your chickens. Those chickens are your property, they were on your land, and his puppy came onto your land and damaged your property and he is responsible.
Also, the puppy will totally do that again if given half a chance. May I suggest getting someone, with the authority to make him put the dog in a pen, involved in the situation. This doesn't sound like the kind of thing that's going to work out on its own. He's not going to take your feelings about your chickens seriously, and there's a chance he might not take the dog roaming the neighborhood destroying the property of others seriously either.

oh bother... I have been letting modern music play in the background... I think that my brain has rotted and fallen out of my ears...

It surely hasn't been cheerful or comforting -sigh-

I thought that happened last year.

that is just so terribly sad!

I wish I could give you good hug so you could have a quality cry...

since I can't do that, here is some cuteness to try to ease the pain

The ones in front are bantam wheaten Ameraucana

the parts of black ones are standard black Ameraucana.

My son was trying to get a bantam d'anver to stand in the photo shoot, but the d'anver wouldn't sit still

Cute chicks!!!
I want some, I want some, I want some...Oh, yeah, I have a broody due this weekend.

(I know I keep saying that, but no one minds, right?)
I'm just so excited!!!!!
I am thinking about hot wiring my coop and run see this new addition to the neighbor hood is 2 doors down!
Was back at my coop terrorizing my Ladies first thing this morning.
DH is going to buy a bigger gun! we have lost 4 ladies to this dang thing

Am I remembering correctly, are you planning on fencing your property anyway?
If so, fencing your property with hot wire will do the trick no matter where the dog is coming from. Be aware that dogs can learn to jump fences, so you might need to add height to it one day in the near future (making a 4' fence into a 6' fence).

It started last summer--It came from immigrants and it is still rare. It is common in puerto rico.
Not fair!!!!!
I'm glad we're farther north now. I've lived all up and down the state and mosquitoes are far worse in Central and South Fla than in No Fla.
But still, ugh!
Yup!  I muck out my coop annually b/c I use the DLM.  (By "I" I mean "I have the kids").
Lots of bugs hiding under there, especially cockroaches.
No need to freak out.  I do add DE to pine shavings and add either pine shavings or hay (or dead leaves or grass clippings, dry) as needed throughout the year.
I would say "no" you don't need to worry, but I'm a native Floridian so I just don't worry about bugs except the ones that bite or sting and even those are on my live-and-let-live list (except cockroaches, "exterminate...exterminate...exterminate" (think Dr. Who's Dalecs).
But post a pic of them so someone who knows something about bugs (or internet research) can tell you (or find out for you) what they are and what they do and don't do, and especially whether to worry about them.

Well, I live in Georgia, so bugs aren't too uncommon! Lol. I have a tendency to be paranoid with my birds, so that's it. I would get a pic of them, but they're so tiny and fragile that I can't pick them up! Ah well, my birds don't seem to have an issue with them, so I guess I shouldn't either.
Yes Yes Yes they are no longer free range until I get the property fence built! It stinks cuz they have been ranging problem free for 5 years and Never leave my yard. we walked all the boundaries and went over all the rules when they were pullets!

They all found the highest furthest away place they could in the coop all pecking order is gone it is complete kaos in the coop tonite no order and my poor Brady (the Queen) was the only one who was in the run tonite and she just paced back and forth moaning a sad tune. I made her go in the coop and shut the pop door for the first time EVER.

I went to talk to the neighbor about what happened and he doesn't speak English so his elementary school son tried to translate. How do you threaten a dad through his young son?

Sorry for your loss, I pray for you to have a peace of mind and the strength to regroup. Try to clear your mind and ease the pain and hurt you're feeling through prayer. Pray to the Lord for a solution to not allowing anything like this to ever happen to you again and I'm sure you'll come up with an well thought out plan. Trials and Tribulations may come in the night but joy comes in the morning! :)
Well, I live in Georgia, so bugs aren't too uncommon! Lol. I have a tendency to be paranoid with my birds, so that's it. I would get a pic of them, but they're so tiny and fragile that I can't pick them up! Ah well, my birds don't seem to have an issue with them, so I guess I shouldn't either.

For the most part, the chickens will probably leave alone any bug they really shouldn't be messing with. Then again, you've got that one brave chicken who's just got to try it b/c it just might be the most amazing delicacy.
Those might be baby pill bugs? or silver fish? I have an idea of what you're talking about, but I'm not sure of the exact bug.
I, personally, wouldn't worry about them.
For the most part, the chickens will probably leave alone any bug they really shouldn't be messing with.  Then again, you've got that one brave chicken who's just got to try it b/c it just might be the most amazing delicacy.
Those might be baby pill bugs?  or silver fish?  I have an idea of what you're talking about, but I'm not sure of the exact bug.
I, personally, wouldn't worry about them.
Well, I looked up all common external parasites, and they don't meet any of the descriptions, so I guess I won't worry! But they're about the size of mites/ chiggers, except have a clear/tan body.
Well, I looked up all common external parasites, and they don't meet any of the descriptions, so I guess I won't worry! But they're about the size of mites/ chiggers, except have a clear/tan body.

Yeah, I would guess they're a baby something or other.
DD said they might be some kind of plant lice like affids or something along those lines. I'm still guessing nothing that's going to bother your chickens.

How are things going otherwise? =)
Yeah, I would guess they're a baby something or other.
DD said they might be some kind of plant lice like affids or something along those lines.  I'm still guessing nothing that's going to bother your chickens.

How are things going otherwise? =)
Well, chicks are finally recovering from having cocci, and I was able to return some medication! So that's always good. Lol. Still dealing with MG, but my baytril hasn't come in yet. At least it's not affecting too many birds. Yourself?
Well, chicks are finally recovering from having cocci, and I was able to return some medication! So that's always good. Lol. Still dealing with MG, but my baytril hasn't come in yet. At least it's not affecting too many birds. Yourself?

That's good! Yeah, not needing the meds and getting money back; can't go wrong there.
IDK what MG is. I hope your Baytril (meds for MG, I'm assuming?) comes soon!
The fewer birds affected, the better! (and preferably none).

I'm doing alright. Doing chicken research (while avoiding doing my school work; shhhh, don't tell the kids).
I've been losing chickens. I've got some young juveniles (bought in Fed as day-olds), and they don't behave and go into the coop when the sun starts going down. I lost two the other day and yesterday and the day before, I lost one each. My Cochin cockerel that was supposed to be a pullet turned up dead in the coop this morning; God only knows what happened to him. Not a big loss for me, I wanted a pullet; but DD has a soft spot for Cochin cockerels, so she wasn't happy about it, but at least I don't have to send him to freezer camp like the last one who decided she was his momma.
Things are a lot better in the rest of my life than they are in my coops right now.
Oh, and I have that broody, so I'm really excited about her eggs starting to hatch some time this weekend. She's really had enough of sitting on those eggs; she was going around yesterday afternoon picking a fight with anyone (chickens only) she laid eyes on. I feel for her.

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