Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

I HAVE DONUTS!!! hubby went to town to get me lime for my chickie run this morning and he hit the bakery too!!! What a treat to have a fresh cheese pocket and you reminded me there are four apple fritters we put into the fridge. So much for Sunday morning, now I have to make a fresh pot of coffee to go with my fritter, yum!
I HAVE DONUTS!!! hubby went to town to get me lime for my chickie run this morning and he hit the bakery too!!! What a treat to have a fresh cheese pocket and you reminded me there are four apple fritters we put into the fridge. So much for Sunday morning, now I have to make a fresh pot of coffee to go with my fritter, yum!
Aren't you going to invite us over?
Hey gang I would love to join this thread! I have went back through the thread and it seems like a really fun and active one to be apart of. I drink coffee all day long both at home and at work and love it!

@chickisoup Thanks! Finally starting to feel better. Just in time for more work on the 4th! Don't ya just love turning '29' !
my dentist and I have decided everyone should get a third set of new teeth at middle age! If sharks get new teeth all the time I feel kind of gypped with just 2! Or teeth that are meant to last a lifetime should be clad in nice white heavy duty bullet proof armor! No cavities, No stains. No problems.
Ok I'll click my heels 3 times and come back to earth!

@TeaChick I changed my avie finally!!!!

@GAFarmGirl87 My avi is one of my Silver Laced Wyandottes. Pullet?

@Alaskan Nice building going there! Was it hard to train the voles to help with that? I take it the chicken scout is once again home to do all his chores in a most enthusiastic way?

@chicken scout Welcome back!!!

@SparkleFlower did you and chickisoup say donuts?!!!!

AND>>>drum roll please....I too got my little chicks outside!!!!
Got the brooder predator proof and outdoor usable! Just needs paint and trim and I haven't decided on the permanent roof treatment yet. but it's good enough for a couple of more weeks until they can go in the big coop! I must say this is the flighty-est batch of chicks I have ever seen! I don't know what happened on the trip here but they still haven't settled down! Night all!!!!!

I am rising but not too shining this morning. Let's see. planted potatoes and peppers, took down an old section of fence and pulled the posts, finished the brooder cage, primed and re-painted my antique feed scoop (from an old feed mill), weeded and watered the herb garden and the bean patch, can't remember the rest till the coffee kicks in. Not bad, for someone who will be celebrating their "29th" (x2+a few) next week, eh??? Well, need to grab more coffee, now where did I leave that heating pad for my back????

Good morning all!
Hey gang I would love to join this thread! I have went back through the thread and it seems like a really fun and active one to be apart of. I drink coffee all day long both at home and at work and love it!
Morning. Will they let you leave your picture this time?
[COLOR=B42000] [/COLOR]:yiipchick @chickisoup Thanks! Finally starting to feel better. Just in time for more work on the 4th! Don't ya just love turning '29' ! :lau my dentist and I have decided everyone should get a third set of new teeth at middle age! If sharks get new teeth all the time I feel kind of gypped with just 2! Or teeth that are meant to last a lifetime should be clad in nice white heavy duty bullet proof armor! No cavities, No stains. No problems. :D Ok I'll click my heels 3 times and come back to earth! :rolleyes: @TeaChick I changed my avie finally!!!! @GAFarmGirl87 My avi is one of my Silver Laced Wyandottes. Pullet? @Alaskan Nice building going there! Was it hard to train the voles to help with that? I take it the chicken scout is once again home to do all his chores in a most enthusiastic way? @chicken scout Welcome back!!! @SparkleFlower did you and chickisoup say donuts?!!!! :drool :fl Yummmmm! AND>>>drum roll please....I too got my little chicks outside!!!! :jumpy :weee :cd :yesss: Got the brooder predator proof and outdoor usable! Just needs paint and trim and I haven't decided on the permanent roof treatment yet. but it's good enough for a couple of more weeks until they can go in the big coop! I must say this is the flighty-est batch of chicks I have ever seen! I don't know what happened on the trip here but they still haven't settled down! Night all!!!!!
Yeah! Put my babies in the grow out pen and had to show them where their bed was last night. We will see how many days it takes before they get the picture.
buckeye and silver penciled Wyandotte, wanted white Jersey Giant but his cock died, bought buff brahma from Cackle and a guy in Ohio who won at the national in 2012. :caf
Where is Smithville?
@puddinfluff and @chickwhispers - Showoffs
I hope to get my babies (now 4 1/2 wks old) outside for a few hours for their first outing on the grass. Boy, they sure aren't cute little fluff balls anymore. Still haven't named them yet, better get on that I guess.

Absolutely gorgeous morning!!! A bit noisy when I went outside with the cranes flying over heading for breakfast in the potato fields and the geese landing in the wild rice patch on the river.

Right now? Second cuppa while the girls are happily working on a whole cob of sweetcorn left over from last night's dinner and the pup is getting her face scrubbed and combed by Pa after getting her morning tick check. Me? got my coffee and latest my Backyard Poultry mag that arrived yesterday. Life is good
Good morning gang!!
Got up had my first cup of the day and thought why is the first cup of coffee after it's been brewed always the best? It's to much to think about trying to get 3 teenagers out of bed and ready for church. Anyway I am getting ready for the biggest race day of the year! The Indy 500 at noon an the coca cola 600 at six. Also I want to remember all the people the gave everything so we are free on this Memorial Day weekend! ( sorry I got a little sappy )

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