Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Me likey em too....
Foo Fighters
Cold play
Gorillaz (big time)
Flobots Handlebars (listen to it dont watch the video)

Just listing a few.... I dont like all the songs but the majority of them are awesome.

I love anything that makes me think or meditate or move.... mostly makes me want to move.
My best writing is done with the high energy stuff in the background

I was driving in the car with my son and he puts his new favorite cd in the console... my car has an awesome sound system. and he cranks it up to the volume it needs to be listened to. I love it the right volume.... I turned to him and I said Boy I bet you are happy I like music loud..... Most 60year old moms would ask you to turn it down.

yes to all those!
Mute Math
and make a killer playlist
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Hey I am still drinking my coffee from this morning. Anyone else that can pound a left over cup of Joe down the next day..... I am good as long as nothing committed Hari Kari in it.


I put the left over into a thermos--I will have some from this morning with dinner.
I read a bunch of band names ( I assume they were band names or secret spy code) and become lost I ain't heard of none of them..

Alaskan Have you ever heard " the hinge on the hen house door"? My Dad had polio and supported us playing in bands when I was a kid. (well part of the ways he did).... I use to laugh at that song. But I bet it is 90 years old.
I read a bunch of band names ( I assume they were band names or secret spy code) and become lost I ain't heard of none of them..

Alaskan Have you ever heard " the hinge on the hen house door"? My Dad had polio and supported us playing in bands when I was a kid. (well part of the ways he did).... I use to laugh at that song. But I bet it is 90 years old.

This song?
Always... Liquid caffiene is mine.

Ralphie, nope, I do not know that one.
can you find it for us? Post a link?

I looked online and I can not find it.. I might be able (someday) to copy and post the score for it. I know it was in an old and I mean OLD song book my Dad had. I think it was my Grandpas before WW1. I can picture where it was in the book, but only God knows if that book exists around here anymore. I will be going through some of the old buildings this year so I 'might' be able to find it. Long shot I a sure.

I am going to need copious amounts of caffeine to keep from strangling somebody, anybody today. Definitely a day for me to go hide in the woods and beat up bears or something to keep myself out of jail for going "postal" on the USPS.

Big bucks paid for special packaging (hopefully with heat packs) and express 2 day shipping. Took box of 9 chicks 36 hours to get from Cleveland to Milwaukee. Auto emailed by USPS that they arrived in Milwaukee at 2:29 a.m. and left Milwaukee at 2:30 a.m. (no kidding. What did they do, scan the truck as it lapped the parking lot?). Checked and it actually didn't leave Milwaukee until 7:30 this morning en "normal" (via who knows how many stops) route to Green Bay so they will not arrive there until sometime late this afternoon at earliest (daytime temps not expected to get above 50o) meaning they will sit either in a truck or unheated warehouse until around 2 a.m. where they will then be enroute in an unheated truck (did I mention it's not expected to get above 22o tonight?) to main post office at the county seat 2+ hours north where they will sit until the "local" truck leaves there around 6:30 a.m. tomorrow morning to make drops at 2 other towns then our post office. Anyone want to take bets on how many frozen lumps I will be retrieving in the morning?

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