Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Me likey em too....
Foo Fighters
Cold play
Gorillaz (big time)
Flobots Handlebars (listen to it dont watch the video)

Just listing a few.... I dont like all the songs but the majority of them are awesome.

I love anything that makes me think or meditate or move.... mostly makes me want to move.
My best writing is done with the high energy stuff in the background

I was driving in the car with my son and he puts his new favorite cd in the console... my car has an awesome sound system. and he cranks it up to the volume it needs to be listened to. I love it the right volume.... I turned to him and I said Boy I bet you are happy I like music loud..... Most 60year old moms would ask you to turn it down.

Deb is AWESOME!!!
I have different tastes than my kid.
He comes home from college in a month or less, and I am going to have "to turn it down and listen to something normal... and Mom! That language! Do you actually listen to that? Mom, Seriously..."
It is like living with my mom again.
Sour was right, I love my kid to bits, and the first semester away was HORRIBLE! It was awful, I missed him so much... and then the perks started showing up. More food in the house, fewer dishes to wash, way less laundry, I could traverse the house from the bedroom to the laundry in my underwear if I had too... and I got to listen to what I wanted when I wanted -as loud as I wanted.
However, he has been living amongst the masses. I might not seem like such a weirdo anymore. I imagine dorm life is a wide-eyed experience.
Put the gro gel in a zip loc, or covered in plastic wrap, and stick in fridge.

As for the chicks....
and giant
thanks for responding Alaskan but it's a moot point. Talked with our little post office postmaster who tried to find out what was going on and long story short, mine aren't the only ones, there was some sort of screw up in the routing of the priority express load. if those chicks are still alive they won't be for long. They are already outside the 72 hour window, still on a truck heading for a transfer hub where they will be held in a warehouse until 2 a.m., loaded into an unheated truck in 20o temps and will be hauled around until they finally arrive at our post office some time after 7 am tomorrow. It's a small order. In ideal temps that would be pushing it. In rain and cold? No chance. i won't even get a refund except for the chicks and the most expense was in the special packing and the shipping costs. Love the little (huge) loophole the USPS has in their priority express 72 hour "guarantee" excluding anything perishable. If it's not perishable, why bother with the ridiculous rates? Done ranting. I need to go hide somewhere and have a good cry. I'm a girl, I'm allowed.
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It keeps getting better. Just got a call from some woman from the post office telling me they have our chicks and did we want to come pick them up. Problem they are only located some place over 2 hours to our south. It's 4 pm here now. DH said "NO". They are located in an area we haven't even drove thru in possibly 20 years so it would be a bunch of fun even finding them and they wouldn't even tell us if the chicks in our order are still alive. DH just was not willing to do a 4+ hour roundtrip this late in the day. I could hear chicks in the background. At this point I guess I kind of hope mine are already gone. Hate the thought of them waiting to slowly freeze to death.
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Hey I am still drinking my coffee from this morning. Anyone else that can pound a left over cup of Joe down the next day..... I am good as long as nothing committed Hari Kari in it.

ice ice coffee baby...

terrible song joke but i do love coffee iced lol

on a sadder note... man that blows about your chicks chickisoup
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