Sitting with a cup of coffee. (coffee lovers)

Good grief, as I sit here drinking my coffee, can I just say how much I hate leaving home in the dark and getting home in the doesn't happen every day, but I still hate it when it does happen. Messes up my whole routine.
Living in Juneau all those years was when it really bothered me
getting to the winter solstice so was hard
I would love to visit Alaska, but I don't think I could live there. I know in my old heart, that I shine when the sun shines. I do not like dark dreary days at all. They make me depressed.
I lived there 16 years or so in Juneau but traveled within the panhandle
quite often not really interested in the northern parts past Skagway or
I never leave home.. solves all that drama.....about day and night and such.

Well, it's supposed to be that way here too, but then there came this little grandson, with horrible asthma, almost died from it many times, who was too sick to go to daycare. In steps his Nana, and there I have been for the last three years. Faithfully getting up every morning at 4 am, driving an hour to stay with him every day, while mom and dad work. His asthma is more under control now, but our bond is truly amazing.

Good Morning folks!
Got a day off and slept in, that doesn't happen often! But sure needed it.
that is way wonderful you get up every morning why do they not bring
him to you ?

I live an hour away the wrong direction, it's just easier for me to drive in, he drives over the road, so a lot of the times its just her and the three boys. I feel better knowing that she doesn't have to get them all out in the nasty weather, and bad roads.

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