Skinny chickens.


May 1, 2018
My hens are really thin. They were from rural chickens so that does explain it. I live in Hawaii we’re they are everywhere. One day I caught some and my flock has grown. I feed them layer pellets and they free range all day. What else can I give them. I was thinking cracked corn and scratch?:hmm
Scratch usually contains a large percentage of cracked corn. It should allow some weight gain in your chickens. Also try giving a wild bird seed mixture to diversify the nutritional intake. Not sure what kind is available in Hawaii.??? I substitute wild bird seed for scratch regularly. I also have on hand large quantities of those since I regularly feed wild songbirds during 3 seasons. (summer I let them find their own seeds and insects)
WISHING YOU BEST,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, :highfive:
Have you had fecal floats done to see if they have an internal parasite burden that could be keeping them from putting on weight well?
I too am working on building up some very underweight chickens.
I am giving them 2x/bird my fermented feed ration along with several drops of Poultry nutri-drench mixed in. I posted my first week results here:
They are gaining weight nicely.

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